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LC Scott

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Everything posted by LC Scott

  1. Parts Recap. So In Summary: Volunteers For the Day of December 18Th: Emerald525 tanktop74 Smann Electrokate Rick ? SquidHC Grassi ? Stylaster LC Scott? (my schedule changed I'll see If I can get that fixed) So If I left anyone out, want in or something changes and you can't make it, PM me and I'll update the list. Equipment That has been committed so far. Tank a 40b Sump ? T5 Lights ($50 more to pay for it.) Rock Livestock Stand and Hood ( Need finish wood and paint.) Sand Bulkheads 1in X2 Timer(s) Bulkheads Power strip Pump Mag 12 (temp) AS This list changes I'll update this list. The Things that are still in need. The various pipe fittings for the drain and return 1" and 3/4" Test Kit. Salt Water source (Need to check the school to see if they have filtered water and if they do what type.) A list of the things I'm missing for this list.
  2. Updated List Alright, Kimberlee asked me to do a quick wright up of what and who we have. So In Summary: Volunteers For the Day of December 18Th: Emerald525 tanktop74 Smann Electrokate ? Rick ? SquidHC Grassi ? Stylaster LC Scott? (my schedule changed I'll see If I can get that fixed) So If I left anyone out, want in or something changes and you can't make it, PM me and I'll update the list. Equipment That has been committed so far. Tank a 40b Sump T5 Lights ($50 more to pay for it.) Rock Livestock Stand and Hood ( Need finish wood and paint.) Sand Bulkheads 1in X2 AS This list changes I'll update this list. The Things that are still in need. Timer(s) Bulkheads The various pipe fittings for the drain and return 1" and 3/4" Power strip Test Kit. Salt Water source (Need to check the school to see if they have filtered water and if they do what type.) A list of the things I'm missing for this list. Update: The last big thing we need to get the tank up and cycling is a return pump. (scratch) Pump
  3. So the stand is hammered together, ignore the blocks on top I'll have the canopy ruffed in likely tonight. Now I have a problem. I don't have the funds necessary to put the skin on this stand or hood.(sad) So I'm going to ask. Does anyone out there have any scrap wood? Please PM me or Kimberlee Thanks LC Scott
  4. Roy, 2600 SE 71st Street. Portland, OR 97206 Link.
  5. Your finger will likely change the results.
  6. Just wait till you have your tank full of corals and one of your frinds walks up and says "hay cool you have Nemo!"
  7. Grassi: Reefboy pointed out that I was using the wrong card earlier. I can't seem to find the card that came with the kit so I went and looked up a color card image online. If the color is even close I'm even less happy about that. (sad) Link..
  8. We are on Barbur in the Burlingame neighborhood. I'm Not sure why I haven't gone and read what Portland does to the water before now. :(
  9. The box says fresh/saltwater (API) and that's strait out of the tap. It is also not the first test we have done over the last two days. ( I probably should have put that in my first post.) EDIT: LOst my fresh water color card but here is an image of one.
  10. Take a look at this. I don't really want to use RO because of the waste and my landlord will kill me. Can I get away with just a DI filter?
  11. One thing to note. The hole saw walked a little bit and one hole is lower than the other. :( [/img]
  12. Well Good News The tank is not tempered. Ok two holes, that was way to easy. However I wouldn't advise someone to do it unless they did alot of reading and a can do attitude. (clap)
  13. (whistle) Don't know what your talking about. (whistle) Thanks jgf86123 (whistle)
  14. Well about my lights anyway. Think I fixed that.
  15. Mick Your right I had thought I'd fixed that.
  16. So I'm seeking some advice on how to do this. Where to place the holes for the overflow box. I am thinking of doing a Bean Animals overflow with an external box. I have my hole saw (thanks to the BRS Group buy.) and the three 1' bulk heads.
  17. Whoops, could one of the Mods delete that, I was showing someone how to do something.
  18. So does anyone have some juvenile Clown fish in stock? I'm looking for one maybe two about 1.5 inch's Due to an incident while I was at work the clown I got from SWF has passed on and now I want to replace him.
  19. Well I have the 12th off so count me in. Just two questions. is there anyone coming from or through Portland that I could hitch a ride from? and How much are the raffle tickets going to be?
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