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Vicarious Cynic

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Posts posted by Vicarious Cynic

  1. So - for the most part of last year my tank was neglected. It was overgrown with hair algae, Cyanobacteria and some other yet to be id'd things. My royal gramma has survived, as have my ricordia (they have almost flourished). There seem to be a couple of small spas trying to start and some star polyps. I've done four 1/3 water changes in the last week, scraping and siphoning algae every time. Reintroduced some clean up two days ago. 12 hermits, some turbos and an emerald crab. We'll see where this goes....

  2. Oh boy,been awhile. Guess I set my tank up right cause I've seriously neglected it the last couple of months and mornings died. Check that - lost some snails and crabs.


    For the first four months I was doing weekly water changes, daily testing, all that. The last two months - not so much. Did one change about a month ago.


    Today I cleaned the protein skimmer, got the salinity right (was a bit high) and scraped the sides. Have a batch of water aging. Corals look good - zoas, candy canes, torch and some ricordia. Even a little piece of Monti cap. Some cloves and other polyps. All alive - the rate of growth has been slow.


    So what happened? I upgraded my lights and got a couple pieces with some algae on em, and the combo seemed to blow up a bit, I've got this dark green hairy algae that grows everywhere there's good water flow, and these little half in long bright green stalks that seem to grow as fast as I can pick em.


    Other than paying attention to my tank like I should - how can I combat the algae?


    Thanks - Mark

  3. Like I said - the teenager who feels that school is optional. Things have been interesting in the ol homestead. Didn't top off for a number of days. Reefing is still new to me - four going on five months.


    I bought a new light a month or so ago - one result was a upswing in the hair algae in the tank - don't turbos eat that?

  4. I've lost a turbo and a couple narcissus snails recently - yesterday my salinity was at 1.027 on a hydrometer. Been slacking the tank checks lately - been preoccupied with my teenager who feels school is optional.


    Have the salinity back down to 1.025 (if and only if the hydrometer is accurate). Would high salinity over a few days do in a couple of snails?


    Other things I noticed is that the other turbo was basically motionless for the same period - now that it's dialed back down it's moving on the glass like it used to.

  5. First fragging today. Split the candy cane into two pieces (a four head and a three head) and took the big brown paly's out. I missed one, so I'll have to go back for it. Stuck the brown palys that I culled onto a plug - just to see if they will live. Next step - frag some of the zoas that I like - try getting little colonies on plugs. Tank is looking more like a collection than a display - fine for now.

  6. Good question. My tanks been up four months, phosphates test out at zero - but the thin green film.... It's not choking. My zoas are doing great, my torch and my candy are splitting, ricordea looks beautiful, cloves and green stars are waving - but the thin green film....


    Do I cut the lights back? (I'm only at a 5 hour photo cycle with full lights since I upgraded to the 6 bulb t5). Is there an algae loving critter I can add? Do I just keep scraping and changing the water (ten percent once a week). Do I throw a firecracker in the tank (too redneck, my bad).


    What does a new tank meister do to fight the power of green?

  7. This thing is wicked pretty, but I'm thinking I either need a second tank, or a return to store. It dominates the corner of the tank it is in. I'm astounded by how long it's tentacles get. A couple of times I have gone in, grabbed it, and re-seated it in the sand. This seems to make its tentacles shorter for a couple of days - then full expansion and avoidance. It's the prettiest thing in my tank, and the most deadly - hmm... sounds hollywood. I think I'll name it Angelina.

  8. tiger - that's the kind of comment that got me thinking. But it's meaningless to my mind without REASONS. C'mon I'm not a koolaid drinker. What do you mean? Why will it kill my tank? What about it will crash my tank? Give me information, not emotion!


    *end rant*


    Sorry - I worked all day with people barfing ultimatums. I just need information.

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