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Everything posted by CoralCrazy

  1. Up to trades anytime. And I haven't found a ric I can say no to yet.(naughty)
  2. Absolutely satisfied. Thank you again.
  3. When everything splits I will let you know and make sure you get a frag of them.
  4. They look even better in person. Need to buy new camera just for sw pics. I am so happy how well they adjusted.(dancing) The zoos are all opened up too. Will let you know when the rics split so I can get a frag of the one back to you.
  5. They are just jealous because your polls are better than theirs. (laugh)
  6. Love Emeralds polls. Gives me a good laugh every day.(laugh)
  7. We run between 175.00 and 200.00 a month for pud
  8. the aquarium is always open. and there are still some pinks here for you
  9. Just to let everyone know. The fish is doing great. The tank has been cleaned and stabilized. And all the corals seem to have come through it with no problems. Thank you all that helped.
  10. He does all water changes and I do all the other tank related chores.
  11. CoralCrazy

    Lion fish

    So I just saw the oddest thing I think I will ever see in my tank. My dwarf lion was laying over letting my fire shrimp clean him up. Thats a partnership I didn't think I would ever see. Wish I would have had the camera ready for that one. :eek: I was really worried about the shrimp when I added the lion but I guess they proved me wrong. (clap)
  12. The hubby is a little obsessive when it comes to fish. I'm definately hooked on the corals. We make a very scary pair. Everybody always says for us to just turn the house into a fish store. It's kinda cool to walk into any room and see a tank though.
  13. The good thing is we have 22 tanks running in the house so always have extra everything on hand. Thank you Bob will defently do everything recommended.
  14. My brittle star was the reason I lost the toadstool. Tank has been perfect since I set it up. He is quite big and like a bull in a china shop. His spines seems to have shredded that poor toadstool.(sad)
  15. Everything is moved and the fish seems to be doing better. Thank god we are addicted to this hobby. Always helps to have more than one tank. As soon as I know everything is ok with the zoas I will be offering some up for share the love and sale. You never really know how many you have until you have to empty a tank.LOL I can definately say I'm a junky when it comes to zoas. Thank you all for your advise. I believe I got to the tank quick enough to not lose all the zoas I have so carefully spent time collecting.
  16. So I just looked in my smaller tank and my toadstool leather has turned to mush. I had one fish in there that I moved into another tank because hes not doing to great right now. Was wondering if I need to worry about the zoas that are in there. Most have closed themselves but some are opening. I plan on cleaning the tank today but want to make sure nothing will happen to the zoas til then. Any input is greatly welcome.
  17. That's funny Emerald. (clap) You might have something there. j/k (laugh)
  18. Thanks Eric. Would really like the information.
  19. That is about the cutest tank I have ever seen.
  20. Ok so here is a picture of my 33 finally. Took me all day to get my pic to download. Hopefully everything will level out soon so I can start fragging some of my corals that are in the other tanks. It's a good thing we have a 12 gallon to store my corals in for now or I would be pulling my hair out by now. Put a couple pics in my profile of a couple colonies I'm looking forward to cutting soon. Don't have the tank set up the way I want it yet but hopefully after it's good to go I can make it the way I want it. And yes it is staying as a bare bottom tank.
  21. Like to see it. Might be interested for the new 33. And yes it is Heather. lol
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