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Everything posted by mwheeler

  1. Some new pics of the tank. Moved some stuff around and got some new stuff (thanks movinfast and stylaster). I am going to be getting rid of my toadstool and finger leather and going with LPS and Zoanthids (And mushrooms that I already have in the tank.) and a full tank shot
  2. Share the love!! (if you think it would do ok under 192 watt power compaq lighting in a 18" deep tank)
  3. I would be all over that if you were a little closer.
  4. If you still need help let me know. I don't have a vehicle that will fit it but I can help with any lifting and such.
  5. The Sea Bay is doing good. It was almost all the way bleached out when I bought it about two months ago and now it is almost all the way colored out. It just has some white spots left on the very tip of its tentacles. And my clown seems happier.
  6. well to answer my own question my clowns just started to host my sea bay last night and they are still in it. (clap) (rock2)
  7. you can put them on photobucket and add the pic links to your post.
  8. $100 or trade for some coral frags that will grow under this ( http://shop.aquatraders.com/Odyssea-36in-2x96W-Power-Compact-Light-Fixture-p/51203.htm ) light set up. Or a good skimmer for a 46 gallon set up.
  9. yea i think it is some kind of star polyp the "vine" is turning purple like the star polyp mat. The mushroom was on the rock when I got it and so was that vine. Didn't think anything about it till polyps started sprouting out of it lol.
  10. This is the best picture that I could get of it. Its off to the left of the Mushroom Coral. Was wondering if anybody had any I ideas. I just noticed two polyps coming out of it. sorry about the crappy picture.
  11. DOH! wow...thats all I have to say about that.(hidesbehindsofa)
  12. Not the best but I am getting some growth. http://shop.aquatraders.com/Odyssea-36in-2x96W-Power-Compact-Light-Fixture-p/51203.htm
  13. Here are some new pics of the tank. Nothing new in tank.
  14. Yes Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.
  15. I might just get some silicone and put that around where the tub comes out the top of my overflow to see if that makes the air bubble go away. It would be cheaper and easier.
  16. I don't have this brand of overflow but it is the exact same setup. I am thinking about getting this pump though. http://www.fosterandsmithaquatics.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=3642
  17. What is a good cheap pump to hook up to my overflow to keep the air bubbles out of it? Something i can put into my sump and run a "air line" size hose up to my overflow. It has the hose connection on the top where the air gathers.
  18. Nice I will leave them be then. They are not the best looking but if they are good for the tank I am all for them lol.
  19. I have had a small explosion of these things in my tank in there last couple days. And some other sponge looking material growing as well(they have a couple openings like sponges so I am guessing thats what they are). The "q-tips" are to small for me to get a good picture of with my crappy camera and the other is barley visible on some of my back rock so i cant get pictures of them. Should I worry or just leave them be?
  20. just posted to craigslist http://portland.craigslist.org/clk/for/1726761095.html
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