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Posts posted by mwheeler

  1. Are kids allowed? I have a two year old that I might not be able to get a sitter for. Me and my fiancée are coming if we can bring the kid. (we still might be able to get a sitter I was just wondering.)

  2. Well since she is my other half I should say welcome (laugh). And I am sure she will be stealing some of my stuff from my tank(and taking all the stuff that she pick out as well). I cant say no or I will have a (wife) do deal with lol

  3. Got some new stuff for the tank (thanks Nate213)


    This one is doing good all the polyps are out.



    I think this one might pull through the polyps that it has are out.



    Not much color on this one but it should do good all the polyps are open and happy.



    All the shrooms are doing good just in a hard place to take a picture atm. (sitting in a bowl of gravel in the back of the tank.)

  4. Thanks moovinfast. the pallys are doing good. Starting to spread and attach to the rock i have them on(growing off the tile).


    Hey looks great! I love that cave on the right, that flat piece of rock is NICE!! Perfect for a cave.


    Any troubles with the flame angel nipping corals?


    Thanks, the flame angel hasn't touched any of the coral. Just swims around and eats the q-tip sponges that are growing like weeds in my tank and the algae off the rocks.

  5. Got some more new stuff in the tank in the last couple days. Traded the Toad stool and finger leather for a Purple Gorgonia. Got a three headed frag of candycane coral from The Nano Reef. And just picked up a small frag of bubble coral and a frag of Yellow Sun Coral. Pics will come when everything is open and happy.

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