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Posts posted by Ku'ulei

  1. I grew up in Hawaii and at that time we had both options and could do either depending on if we felt like it or not. One row was self-service and the other was full-service. If you went to the full-service side, they popped the hood, checked the oil level, coolant level, tire pressure AND washed your front and back windows. I sure did give out tips then! Even though they had both, it was obvious that more people did self-service.


    So, I would vote for both because it was nice having the options.


    However, I am in Oregon now. I must say that most attendants are alright. There are a few who don't know better or don't care and they really stand out and get stuck in peoples memory.


    I have had the experience of: getting my windows washed with a contaminated squeegee (the oily windshield is not good in rainy oregon, it was a pain to get off the glass and ruined my wipers); had attendants lean on and scratch my car with their jean pocket buttons; drip gas down the paint; had a nozzel overflow all over my truck because it wasn't inserted right; had them hit the quarter panel with the nozzle head causing dents; had one not put the cap back on; put the wrong gas in after I had told them what my car needed; and last but not least- the continously topping off my tank (even in the top heat of summer) which my husband does not like in any season.

  2. No, not yet. It is growing nicely though. Bobby was over yesterday and I showed him that the cheato had some browning in some areas but bright green new growth in others. Any recommendations on what LFS I could drop it off for credit? And when I harvest it, do I use a sanitized garden pruner to cut it up?

  3. Hello everyone,


    My pulsing Xenia is a little too happy at home in my new tank and is obviously trying to take over. Can anyone tell me how to prune Xenia correctly or the best technique I should use in order to remove them from the live rock? (plotting)


    Thank you so much.


  4. I would love to come to the meeting and see a 1000 gallon system!!! I can't even imagine. Gary is becoming more and more into it everyday. He has taken tons of pictures, redid the wiring, reprogramed the lights, cleaned the glass, helped me do testing and fed the corals. :) We are on the hunt for an RO system for sure.

  5. Hello,

    I now have an aquarium in my living room, and everything survived the move! It's ALIVE!! Big thanks to John and Bobby, I could not and would not have done this without you. I posted pics on my facebook page (Stefanie Chew). I will post close-ups of inside the tank as more of the corals and pulps emerge from their scared states. The fish are doing great, testings were perfect; PH was dropping slowly so fixed that, temperature went to 82 at one point-fixed that real quick and did my first RO top off... and I survived my first day, (not without calling with two questions though). :)~


    The livestock: Flame Fish, Spotted Cardinal Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Occilaras Clown, and two fish that I don't know what they are yet. One is black and likes to hide in one of two favorite fish holes. The other is not a pretty fish, is is long, whitish with light brown markings, has frog-like swimming tendencies, likes to sit on things, a big mouth, kind of pushy and sometimes sucks algae off of the glass. There is one red star fish, 3 snails, 2 hermits, 1 emerald crab and a cleaner shrimp.


    Looking forward to adding clean up crew members, (snails and hermits) and someday a blue hippo tang. Went to the store, bought everything on my list- next stop..an RO machine for the house and tank. We had ZERO interest in the TV this weekend. :)


    Weird stuff...

    1. Saw the clown fish rubbing his face on a rock.. ick???

    2. What food should I feed the corals?

    3. I have no lid on the tank and the starfish keeps climbing the glass all the way to the top. Should I be worried it will crawl out or concerned about the fish jumping out?



  6. (scary)




    I am new to this website and to the forum.


    I have wanted a reef tank for the last 6 years and built my house with that thought in mind. I am ready now to take the plunge, only because I finally and personally know a person who already does this as a hobby. Enthusiasm is contagious, and the perfect set up came along that seemed to be built just for me.


    I will be purchasing a 75 gallon full tank set up this week and moving it into my home this weekend under the direction of my pal.


    However, because I need a crash course for this project, does anyone know any of the best saltwater books around that I can read?


    Thank You.

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