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Posts posted by rubberduck9

  1. LOL I laugh because I have a very childish giant blue hippo tang that if I dont pay enough atention to he will pick up a frag/helpless crab or snail or whatever else he fancys and swim across the tank and spit it at the sides of the tank. So funny to see. We will be sitting on the coutch and out of the corner of our eyes we will see him through a fit. lol Poor crabs, hel just snatch one off a rock and give it a ride. :)

  2. Hey I know someone posted a thread that wanted to know if anyone wants to go in on a group buy for Live Aquaria. I have some stuff I would like to get there so whoever you are, please reply to my post.


    PS: This is not a thread for anyone to give me there opinion on how I should shop at LFS. I spend plenty of money with most of them and its none of your business.

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  3. Hey I was thinking of orginizing a group buy for this chalice. We would need about 10 people to make it worth it. As it stands each person would pay 17.00. The extra .50 is for frag plugs I would have to get to make the frags for everyone. The auction ends in 2 days so we will have to hurry but this chalice looks sweet to me! http://cgi.ebay.com/Live-Coral-Exotic-Volcano-Eye-Mycedium-Chalice-/260737391324?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cb528dadc#ht_3496wt_904

  4. Hey I was thinking of orginizing a group buy for this chalice. We would need about 10 people to make it worth it. As it stands each person would pay 17.00. The extra .50 is for frag plugs I would have to get to make the frags for everyone. The auction ends in 2 days so we will have to hurry but this chalice looks sweet to me! http://cgi.ebay.com/Live-Coral-Exotic-Volcano-Eye-Mycedium-Chalice-/260737391324?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cb528dadc#ht_3496wt_904

  5. Chemi-Clean works. Follow directions carefully.


    You still need to find the underlying reason and correct that. Or it can/could return.


    +1 on fallow directions carefully! And have a %20 water change standing by! I dont remember if it tells you or not but make sure to turn off your skimmer untill after water change and remove your carbon if using. I dont know how many times I have acidentley left my carbon bag in my sock when treating! lol

  6. Are you talking like setting that rock on top of the other rock on the right side or just on the sand? Also front or back right side corner? Also why out of curiosity?


    Clams are jumpers if there not happy. lol ive seen them tumble from the top down if not cradeld somehow. A neet trick is to make them a cradle out of epoxy and rubble. just form them alittle taco that will fit up there on those rocks that it can set its foot down in and let it harden. Its easier to make one when you have the clam there so you can see the shape and size to make.

  7. Ok so I took a full tank shot for all of you guys to give me some suggestions on placement! I am thinking on the right hand side on that big rock about mid tank on the far right. I feel like it would be good light and also good flow but not direct from the vortech. Remember it is 24 inch deep tank and I have 2x250 mh. Also hesitant to put it on the sand cause I am scared of my Goby spitting sand on it. Also from what I have read maximas in the wild are almost always on rock. let me know what you guys think.



    Wow buddy, SAAAAAAAAAAA WEEEEEET Clam!!! Just keep up on your water changes and you be fine! Keep in mind that were ever you put it, they can move so dont put it above anything that can harm or eat it if it jumps. (like above a LTA like Colton did hehe Love ya Colton!) I have had miximas on both sand and rocks. Depending on how deep your tank is just keep in mind that clams get about %80 of there food through photothensesis so it needs ample light. What kinda light you have? If MH then you can put it anywere. If you dont have MH then it needs to go twords the top. If you do have MH I found that if you place it on the sand, berry a flat small rock about an 1" deep in the sand and place the clam on top. Then saround the clam with little pieces of rubble. Not to trap the clam but to give it lots of options.

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