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Posts posted by ciao

  1. While I was working on the computer last night, the tank lights turned off like they usually do at their pre-arranged time. After about and hour or so, I went down to the kitchen and turned on the light in the room with the tank and saw my Sun coral extended out completely. I've never seen it opened up this completely and had to take a picture of it, even on my simple Canon point and shoot camera.




    I wish I could have zoomed in more, but my camera starts going out of focus when I try to get that close. I've had this coral for about a month now and it's doing great. Got the piece for Westside if anybody is interested in getting a piece. They look great and I think a nice alternative to the spendy Dendros. They don't need light and you just target feed them occasionally. You can train them to stay open during the day if you feed them during the day as well. Mine starts opening up around 7:30 every night like clockwork now. I'll have to go downstairs more often now I guess:D

  2. I didn't know you could just buy a motor unit. Where can you get one for future reference?


    No they don't go bad. When I bought mine they kept freezing up, after a few months (not sure why I waited so long) I contacted them to find out there was a production run that had a defective part.

    I had called when they did not have the replacement part so Steve at Vortech sent me 2 brand new wet sides-talk about customer service!!


    I ordered the part that was defective later and as such I have 2 extra wets sides-I was going to buy two motor units and keep them for the day I jump into a 220 gallon, so then I would have 4-but that is WAY down the road.


    These are designed in a way that there are not moving parts that will wear out-as far as I can see.

  3. they look tiny do they get bigger or are they one of the micro type zoa that stay small

    very pretty color



    Not sure how big they will get to be honest. The person that sold it to me said they are micro paly but I don't know what size to expect then. They are kind of small right now but they still look nice and when they start being a little more dense, that always makes things look better

  4. Eric was nice enough to bring his camera to help me take some pictures last night and he was able to take a picture of my Hells Angels zoas that I've been having Tim over at Westside coral sit for me for the last couple of month. Finally brought them home a couple of days ago and they finally opened up in time for their photo session. Thought I would share the picture. These were under 400W MH Radium 20k and Actinics. The 400W MH weren't fully on so I'm expecting them to be a lot more deeper red after I get the 400W XM 20K bulbs installed. What attracted me to them were the sparkly centers!



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