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Posts posted by moovinfast

  1. Has anyone ever seen a Resun 15000 wavemaker pump?




    This looks like a better idea then the MJ1200s to try to make my own wavebox. They are about $50ish new each and run on 24v DC. Only problem is I can't find them in the states. They only ones I could really find were from Ebay and the site I listed. But they want $50 for shipping. All of them I have found come out of china for shipping. I think I want 2 if I can find them. I only need the pumps. Dont need the controller or power supply.

  2. Thanks everyone for the movie and show suggestions. Feel free to keep adding them. Ive seen most of the movies listed, but most I havent seen in a while. I started the Dexter series, but stopped watching it. Too graphic for my wife. I just finished the It Crowd series. If you're a nerd and like British comedy you'll like it. I couldnt really get into the Lost, Heros, or The Office series. I tried, just can't do it. I think Ill give True Blood a try. Everyone seems to like it. Might also look into The Wire. Havent seen or heard anything about it before.


    As far as comic movies go I think Ive seen most of them. Havent seen the Green Hornet or Green Lantern movies yet, but I want to. Pretty sure I don't want to watch the first Hulk movie or Electra again though. And for some reason I didn't really like the Watchmen movie. I also think I own all big Kevin Smith movies. Ive even seen a lot of the interviews he has done.


    Movies listed I havent seen yet: Two Lane Black Top, American Graffitti, Big Wednesday, Endless Summer one and two, Two Mules For Sister Sarah, Intrepid, The Best Two Years.

    Going to add them to my queue along with several others I haven't seen in a while. Someone listed Dr Who. Did you mean the Old series, or the new one? Ive seen all of the old and about half of the new. I used to even have a wind up Dalex. But it go lost in a move I think.


    Some of my favorite movies include Top Gun, Almost all the Pixar movies, The Fifth Element, A Knights Tale, Death Race, Army of Darkness, Taken, and the Band of Brothers Series. I love old war movies. I think this is the best so far.

  3. So my Netflix list is getting pretty low on movies. What are some good DVDs to add to my list from before 2009. Ive seen most of the newer releases now. I already have all the Indiana Jones, The Princess Bride, Goonies, Army of Darkness, Band of Brothers etc....... Feel free to list lots of titles. I thought we would never get through our list, but now we are down to like 6 or 8 left in our queue. I can't work and we don't get tv here, so I watch tons of movies.

  4. If you like a lot of base, those are a good choice. They are a good headphone. The Skull Candy Skull Crushers also have a lot of base for a cheap price. The V6s were the best I could find that didn't cost hundreds and hundreds of dollars. They even beat many of the much higher priced ones in my opinion. If you're in Portland, next time we head into town I can try to remember to bring them if you want to give them a listen if you don't have the beats by then.

  5. I actually prefer my Sony MDR V6s. I miss my old Sony studio monitor headphones, but these are a good replacement. I think the Dres are too bass heavy. I would give them a listen if you get a chance. I think the Sony store carries them. Or if you want, you can come listen to mine but I'm in Longview. They are not quite broken in yet and they are getting better and better.

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