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Everything posted by tanktop74

  1. That would be great if you have some to spare. What time are planning on being out in this neck of the woods?? I am heading out to the grocery store now. And need to be at the house for when my kids get dropped off at 2pm, other than that my day is pretty open. Give me a call! Thanks Rick!!
  2. I woke to the same thing this morning... my emerald crab munching on my one and only blue mushroom! Argh, hope the mushroom survives!!
  3. The pink and purple zoas, brown zoas are open and 1 of the fire and ice. Yes I picked up some super glue on the way home. I have already started plotting where to put them. But I will give them a few days to get use to that tank. Thanks again! Beth
  4. Sorry, Here is the pic I meant to send along with the post!! [ATTACH]5206[/ATTACH]
  5. I just got my first Zoa frags! I even made a little partition for them in hopes that they don't blow away!!! Although I think I found the best area with the lowest flow.... Just until I decide where to glue them!! Thank you Dennis... Some have even started to open already!!(clap) Beth
  6. Flame Angel being cleaned by Fire Shrimp [ATTACH]5196[/ATTACH] I hope it comes out clear enough, Still playing with camera settings and was just snapping different pictures of the tank and the fire shrimp started cleaning my Flame Angel.
  7. Wish I had a canister filter... those are some good looking corals!!
  8. I have two 1200 maxi heads in my 55 gallon tank.... they came with the tank. To me they seem too strong for some of my softies, my mushrooms don't seem to like it much. What would you all recommend as far as powerheads for this size tank? And what are you thoughts on the Koralia brand, are they more gentle but still provide adequate flow? Thanks for the input, it's greatly appreciated! Beth
  9. This is a small anemone, size of a 50 cent piece. This tips are more pink than the picture shows and the foot is white. Any ideas what kind it is?? This first pic show the color best... but is blurry.... [ATTACH]5190[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]5191[/ATTACH] Thanks, Beth
  10. Rick, I assume it is fixable, it broke along the edge where it appears to be glued when it was made... heres a pic. [ATTACH]5183[/ATTACH]
  11. Ok... so here is some more info.. I cleaned the pump to the skimmer a couple of weeks ago, then it worked great, tons of gunk... now back to the way it was. It is a 55 gal tank that I bought established about 2 months ago. It currently has a flame angel, shrimps, crabs and snails in it... It did have 2 clowns in there until they got ick, they are in QT right now. I also have 2 baby hippo tangs that will go in when they are done being QT'ed. (yes I am playing everything by the book so far!) The sump I was told holds 5-8 gallons. The compartment the sump is in isn't very big, measures 16" tall, 7" wide and 12" deep.
  12. Here ya go.. hope this helps! [ATTACH]5177[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]5178[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]5179[/ATTACH]
  13. I have an in sump skimmer... have no idea what kind it is or anything.... But I have noticed that is not working all the time, sometimes I get a ton of gunk, other times nothing and twice now I have found it not running at all.... second time was today. SO, I am in the market for a new one. The problem is I have no idea what I should look for, what I need or how to replace the in sump one I have. Can you all give me some advice... BTW, I was hoping to get one from Aquaticus, as I just saw on craigslist they are going out of business and everything is at least 25% off. So I am going to try to get one at a fairly good deal... I hope. Thanks!! Beth
  14. what is the smallest size you have??? How quicky do they split.... I don't want to over welm my 55 gal tank if they are going to go nuts before my eyes!! LOL
  15. Sure is a cute little guy!!
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