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Everything posted by ClayTheSavageFraser

  1. Ha! Ha! You crack me up! Buddy! I'm in medford are you lookin for anything? Clay
  2. Anyone have a piece of cylinder shaped acrylic that I can use as a patch? CLay
  4. What a beautiful time for you!! Congrats!! Woohoo!!! Clay
  5. Went to set up my calcium reactor! And the whole botttom of the reactor came off!! So upset!! This sucks!! Grrrrrr!!!! What is the best thing to seal and where do you get it? Clay
  6. My pair of Gold striped Maroon Clown fish layed eggs!! Does anyone have a website that I can read on how to propogate them? They are in the display! So, I don't know what I am going to do!! Clay
  7. Yeah....don't look like yumas, but I would love to be proven wrong! I really hope they are! That would be a great buy if they were!! Clay
  8. Your so welcome!! It's always nice to see you!! Hope to see you again soon!! Let us know when you will be in the area again!! Sunshine and Smiles, Clay
  9. If I were you I would get a new one. I have had those hang on the back suckers flood, flood, flood!!! It is always needing to be dialed in and adjusted!! It is just a pain to have to worry all the time!! Look into an octo, or asm or something rated a little more than your tank and you should have some great results!! Clay
  10. I will give you 50!!! My buddy jon is coming up on Weds. and could meet you at rose city? Clay
  11. Max has one that I am sure he would let you borrow!! Clay
  12. I will hope to not get a call! Have you shown any of us the ins and outs of your tank? I am here for you for sure! I would really like to have a little seminar involving your set up though! That way I know a quick fix, or a gradual fix if need be! Clay
  13. Lol! Fongocongo! I like it! We need to make it into a new coral name!
  14. How many frags you got? I am interested too!!! Clay
  15. I will take it, for 50?!! I just found a regulator and am runnin low on fundage for this thing! So I spent on the reactor, the regulator and it looks like there is a bubble counter on the reactor itself? hmmmmm.......? Any who yeah! Calcium Reactors sure do cost at the intial but pay in the end......Maybe?! LOL!! Clay
  16. Where is the bubble counter and regulator? I need one of those too!! I was hopin for a package deal?!!
  17. That's crazy!! I am glad they are such a help!! Bravo Newhouse!! I heard heather is the one that actually did it! LOL!! Clay
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