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Posts posted by gawf4fun

  1. I've upgraded to LED's so this system has to find a new home...


    Dual 400 watt PFO HQI ballast

    2 PFO pendants with hangars

    All quick disconnect cables

    XM 15K mogul bulbs, approx. 6 months old

    Several old bulbs with varying useful lives


    Used this system for the last 3 years, but got the ballast about 2 years ago. Good condition, works great.


    NEW PRICE $ 200 OR Make me an offer I can't refuse...dual400watthqibyPFO.jpg


  2. I've got the need to trim back my orange cap in my 24 gallon aquapod as it's grown so quickly it's shading and killing off my zoanthids, etc. This is a top down view of the cap which has grown to approximately 9" x 7" inches in just about a year and a bit, from a frag I brought from my 180 gallon at home.


    The color is a bright orange which looks vibrant under the 150 MH it's using for light as well as under LED's at home.


    Looking for offers in the area of $ 75 or trades for nice color zoanthids.



  3. Heya Mark!! Long time no talk :)


    You can see a few of my monties and others in this quick iPhone photo session of my tank. Its still a bit rough since I just moved it 6 months ago.




    Hey Joel,


    Tank's looking great! I'm always up for a little tradin'. I've fragged the rainbow three or four times now as it grows nice and fast. Haven't fragged the sunset yet. Could use some red, but looking for something a little more "special".


    Here's a pic of the sunset and rainbow:








  4. I've got two colorful encrusting montis, a rainbow and a sunset (actually two different types of sunset). I'd be interested in frags of other encrusting montis you might have or colorful zoas or ricordias to add to my gardens of each.


    LMK if you're interested,



  5. I would like to get a chunk of that xenia rock for my sump =)


    Hi Jeramy,


    You are absolutely welcome to come get some.


    My schedule this week is brutal however. I can meet in LO over a lunch or any evening after 8:30 or so (baseball practice from 6:30-8:30). We might be able to fit something in right after work like 5:15-5:30.


    PM me with a good time and day and lets try to set it up.





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