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Everything posted by jason7504

  1. dont people already give you rep points? you cant give it yourself..
  2. what equipment do you have for sale?
  3. my ammonia was 0 today!! yeahh ..im going to keep testing to make sure the ammonia is really 0 along with the nitrite
  4. yeah i took off the glass top and wipe off the sunpod's glass cover when it gets salt creep on it.. anybody know about the stand tinting?
  5. thats a cool little media reactor too..and thats made with 2in pvc..that one would fit in my 3rd(return) compartment right?
  6. dstone, i know that you used rice paper on your stands window but can you actually tint the glass? like they do with cars but on my stand window
  7. well i dont want to use a HOB reactor because i will have a chiller and ATO. and dont want any more showing that i dont have too lol ok well i will just watch the phosphates then and if they do rise i can toss some GFO in there
  8. im going to put filter floss on the drip tray over the fuge in the 2nd compartment but i dont know if i will have room to squeeze a bag of GTO/phosban/rowa phos along side the filter floss..so i was thinking i could put it in compartment 3 with the return pump. would that work? or would it be better next to the filter floss in compartment 2?
  9. Houston..i think we have a Stomatella..its on the glass and its a small one..
  10. i wonder how long it will take to cycle my tank when probably all of the life died on that one rock that i put back in. also i put the rock back in my tank on the 3rd or 4th day of my cycle but i dont know if my tank would of cycled the first time in those 3 or 4 days..
  11. yeah i can like petco or something.. its like 1 to 1 and a half inches deep..i used around 18lbs of sand. no i haven't added anything..but remember i did freeze that rock in an atempt to kill the aipista's and kept it in a bucket for like 3 days after and then decided to put it back in my tank. I think i put the rock back in my tank on the 4th day after i set it up..so maybe the nitrate is the end of the first cycle before the decaying LR was put back in.
  12. yeah i will assume that too since its an intermediate step..there must be some nitrite.. but do you think that my test might not be inaccurate?
  13. and now i have brown/green hair algae and pods on the glass..but: ammonia still 1-2 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-2-5
  14. well i dont think it would be that hard to clean because there is a big enough space to get a hand or mag float in except for that area of rock thats sticking out and almost touching the glass but im going to knock that piece off..i plan on keeping SPS but mainly LPS and some rics
  15. yeah i read that they have short life spans..but wow only 6 months.crazy! yeah you need to get a escape proof canopy or lid but even then, its not fool proof yeah they are very smart and can open bottles and unscrew lids. there like one of the smartest animals along with dolphins, apes, and us yeah the awesome factor of having such a rare and dangerous animal would be great! i wouldn't get one because i dont have the skills,money, and time too. but it would be pretty sweet! oh that sucks..i wonder how yours would of done if it didnt have to be shipped
  16. yeah i have watched that too..so interesting oh you can? what happened to it? how did you secure the tank? the Australian box jellyfish is also one of the most deady (if not the most)
  17. that would be soo awesome to keep a sea snake even though they are one of the most venomous snakes and animals! i used to keep snakes too and i always wanted a cobra or black mamba and no im not crazy
  18. nice. i will be using it on my 34g with MH because it gets hot in my room in the summer
  19. do you think that it will be hard to add alot of corals to my rockwork? since its not just like one big mat its U shaped
  20. someone on nano-reef.com said that that wouldn't be good in a nano and reccommended getting a non-green or spikes on the arms serpent..
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