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Everything posted by racefan

  1. Man I wish I had my tank ready. I going to get live rock tomorrow & just getting it started.
  2. Boy those two places could burn up a paycheck real fast.(clap)
  3. Congratulations! twenty five years married + 5 dating here.How in the world she's ever put up with me this long I'll never know.
  4. I'd like to talk about using that stuff in my Biocube when I come down Saturday to get get live rock. Mike
  5. None yet. I'm just collecting stuff to get the tank ready to set it up.I'm thinking I will most likely stick with lps,leathers,shrooms. From what I've been reading I have been leaning towards the K1.
  6. I have a powerhead question.I'm looking at powerheads for my 29 gal Biocube(not set up yet).The Koralia nano puts out 240gph The Koralia 1 puts out 400gph or the Maxi-Jet 1200 puts out 295gph.Do you think the Koralia 1 is too much flow? I don't want to put corals in & have them over powered by water flow.
  7. Guess I'd better expand my location.I'm in Kelso,Washington.Darn though I'd love to take you up on the sand offer!
  8. I finally got a tank today(29 gal Biocube) I went with Aragonite reef sand as compared to live sand.The bag says it needs minimum rinse required.Can I rinse that in tap(well)water or does it need to be salt water? I'm sure I'll have a bunch of questions as I go. Thanks in advance, Mike
  9. Thank you for the offer but it's an hours drive for me & I get up anywhere from 2:30 am to 3:45 am Depending on my load times(truck driver)for work so I'm a early to bed person.Kills the social life.(nutty)
  10. Hopefully as much fun;) (kidding)
  11. Another place might be Began truck repair.It is a tanker truck repair shop & it's located in the same parking lot as Sea Horse Aquarium Supply in Portland.They may sell some scrap pieces.
  12. Hi I'm the new guy here. I'm in Kelso Wash.I've had a fresh water tank but I'm looking at getting into saltwater.My brother & son have saltwater tanks & have gotten the bug in me.Due to putting both kids through college at the same time I'm going to stay with a nano for now.I'm sure I'll have lots of questions.
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