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Everything posted by racefan

  1. My son got me a $25.00 gift cert. to a fish store!
  2. I have a Candy Cane(3 heads) that I want to move to a crevice in a rock.I'd love to shorten the stalk by about 3/8" or so.Would that harm it? I'm assuming not but I figured I'd check first. Mike
  3. My brother & my son have SW tanks.My son got me out of freshwater & into saltwater.He is going to transfer to WSU next year for his last 2 years(hopefully) of school & I swear he was thinking "hey, I'll get the old man into saltwater tanks,then when I go to WSU I have a built in reef keeper" It workedDOH!
  4. My wife & I stopped in on our way to Eugene yesterday,Nice store! I have a powerhead that's getting kind of weak & was just figuring on replacing it. Joel suggested a couple things to try first.Heck he could have sold me a powerhead right there.Thanks for the help with the Phosphate issues also Joel.
  5. Darned, that's good and bad.Good because it will save me money.Every time I went in there it's like Costco,you cant walk out for less than $100.00. Really bad because I won't have Isaac to visit with & get info from. Good luck whatever comes your way. Just remember good things happen to good people.
  6. Unfortunately I read this thread before I read his regarding refunds(booboo)
  7. Now the question is when is Doran going to get refunds back to people who bought tickets? Jeff, possibly another store would be willing to take on the raffle?
  8. I'm really sorry to hear the news.
  9. This is what I made to put in the center chamber of my 29 gal bio cube.A bag of carbon goes on the bottom & a filter pad goes on top.The water goes through the filter pad then goes through the carbon.
  10. Isn't Cyno red? It's kinda hard to tell from the pictures but this stuff is all brown,there is no red to it at all.After I took those pics I reached in the tank & picked it up with my fingers & it was almost like picking moss.When I grabbed it there was clean substrate underneath.
  11. Here's a couple of pictures I took today.It may not even be hair algae?
  12. Both the atinitc(sp) & the white are new.They burned out within weeks of each other. I'm guessing the Atinic was replaced May 2nd & the white was replaced about May 23rd.
  13. It seems to have started this past Saturday. I'm getting brown hair algae.I will vac it up & sure enough it's back the next day.My water params are good my Nitrates are 5 my Phospates are about 0.02. I got a little lax with changing my filter media (the blue on one side white on the other) I run a mesh bag with a small amount of carbon in it(change it about every 2-3 weeks) I did a 10 gal water change on Saturday (29 gal bio cube) & on Sunday sure enough it was back & I've been vacuuming when I get home from work & the next day it's back again. As far as a clean up crew I have one large turbo-2 Nasarius-3 Trocus Snails 1-Red Fire Shrimp 1-Small Peppermint Shrimp(had a small aptasia outbreak) 3-small hermit crabs. At the suggestion of a LFS I was dosing 1ml a week of Iodine(I have since stopped) I am assuming that judging by the Nitrate & Phosphate levels I am not over feeding so I am ruling that out.Could the Iodine dosing be a cause? I was doing weekly 3 gallon water changes & was told to go to every 2-3 week changes of 10 gallons.Could THAT be the cause,could it be a combination? I'm also getting what seems to be oxygen bubbles on the substrate where there will be algae tomorrow.Sorry if I seem like I'm rambling I'm just trying to throw as much info out as I can.
  14. I have a 200 gal propane tank that I use to heat my swimming pool & I have 2 of these that seem to have taken up residence under the lid that goes over the regulator. I lifted the lid shooed them away & every time I lift the lid there they are.I've given up,they can go ahead & live there, fine by me.
  15. Now Seachem has some good old fashioned customer service.I sent them an e mail asking if the test kit could be expired(thanks for the tip Woody!) on Sat. & today(mon) I got this response. "We will be happy to help. Though there is not an expiration date, occasionally you can experience something such as evaporation of only one of the chemicals in solution, allowing for skewed test results. I will be glad to replace the reagents, please provide with the lot number for each individual reagent (listed on the label) and your address. Thanks again and have a great day!" I didn't have to yell,scream,threaten to buy the competitors products or anything! They took all the fun out of it(laugh)
  16. I have a Seachem Iodine & Iodide test kit.When I've ran 6 tests & they have all been zero(3 with aquarium water 3 with the reference fluid)the directions say "Reference value is 0.06 mg/l" seeing as how the reference tests are coming up zero makes me wonder if I have an expired test kit? The only numbers I can find are the SKU#00116 09780 then it says Mulit Test Iodine & Iodide 28290 Anybody know where to find an expiration date? is there one? Thanks,Mike
  17. I have Comcast TV & Internet.I'm real happy with them.I've had the cable go out before & just for fun called customer service & said I really don't think I should be paying for a service I'm not receiving & she said no problem & credited my bill one days service.I've never called again I just wanted to see what would happen.I had Internet problems a year or so ago & the service guys came out(5 different ones) & never charged a service call & they ended up changing everything from the pole out at the road to where it went into the house.Every time they came out it would work for a week or so then quit.They were getting REALLY frustrated! I love Comcast.
  18. I had several until I got a six line wrasse.He has eaten all of them.
  19. racefan

    Montastrea Brain

    Here's a pic of the brain,as far as the eyelash/tentacles go,no they are way too small.
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