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Everything posted by USCG CWO

  1. Hey Rey I make as many as I can I just thought I would catch the people I have not met yet.
  2. What's up Roy? How have you been?
  3. I have met a lot of very nice people on this site, but I have no idea who you are other than your forum name. SO I thought it would be cool to be able to put a face with a name that way when I do run across you in town. at a meeting or at an LFS I can say hi without wondering "Who are you?" So here is my ugly mug......feel free to print and throw darts, scare small children or use for a halloween mask! Shane
  4. Heck yeah!!! Ink and fish, gotta love that combination. Now only if someone owned a Harley dealer I'd be set. Very nice work Clay. I will keep you mind when it is time to get another tatoo. Shane
  5. Family is headed out this weekend for this one, and I am not sure if the new Terminator is out yet but looking for that one also. If only for the effects, because the last movie was horrible. Please do not mention "Twilight" to loud. I am the only male in a house full of females, including our animals. They get all giddy and start talking mushy and blah!!!! (hidesbehindsofa) Vampires are supposed to be seducing blood suckers, not romantic starry-eyed "love" interests. IMO :D Shane
  6. Monty the tank I purchased came with factory standpipes, but in essence they are "Durso" like. Thanks Isaac yes they are beautiful, but no match for "Sludge" the black blenny. He has set himself up on the highest rock and rules all he surveys. (king) Hmmm! I wonder were the scoly came from?!? Yes when the scoly grows up it will definitely be the center of attraction.
  7. You are very welcome Monty. Let me know when you need help getting that monster up and running. Very nice! Shane
  8. It wasn't so much of how much it was pushing, it was more an issue of how much it was pulling in. The flow was so fast through the sump that the micro bubbles from the skimmer didn't have time to get to the surface. Instead they where being dumped into my display tank. When I added a couple extra baffles to help this the pump would drain my return section and run dry. It was for my setup just way to much pump. The two biggest things I learned from this are: 1) DO NOT bolt your return pump to the floor of your stand with nuts and bolts. DOH! You have no way of grasping the nuts to remove the bolts to get your pump out. I spent the better half of a day using a dremel in a very tight space trying to cut the heads off to get the pump back out, and I had to do it carefully as I was trying to exchange the pump for another. (sad) 2) With pen and paper draw out your piping system and make a list of needed parts and appropriate sizes. That way when you go to the hardware store for PVC parts you don't make 3 trips and spend $100 for $30 worth of parts. :eek: Oh and I thought of something else buckets, towels, and then more towels, and if it is a big tank, you need another strong back to lift it up and down a few times while you make adjustments. DO NOT rely on your signifigant other to help your dumb a$$ carry a very heavy tank. My wife looked at mine and told me exactly what to do with my new tank. Shane
  9. June 24 Transformers 2 is out. My wife and youngest are going to have me sleeping in front of the theatre for tickets for this one. Autobots roll out!!! Shane
  10. Updated Pics After one week of blood, sweat, tears, and a ton of frustration my tank is setup and running. Initially after I set everything up I realized I had way to much pump, as it was literally sucking my sump dry even after backing off on the ballvalve, so it was with great heartache that I had to tear it all back down and go grab a smaller pump. I will get into specifics later right now I need some rest. Here is the pics. I'll take better full tank shots tomorrow. [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] Thanks for looking Shane
  11. Hey Mike I just broke down my 55 to make room for my new 90. It is a non-drilled 55 gal. AGA. It includes a black pine stand, Eshopps overflow, a drilled Megaflow model 1 sump w/bio balls. It was connected to a drilled 10 gal tank which I used as a refugium. I will include the 10 gal tank and associated bulkheads and all of the plumbing. The only thing it would need is a skimmer and lighting. If you think you could use this, you can have it. Shane
  12. Nice Isaac! From skater dude to head of the family. Sweet!!! I'm in as long as Pickles is the family mascot.
  13. That's a really nice tank Ryan. Good luck with your new project. Shane
  14. How's about $200? Any takers??? This fixture is in perfect shape and works like a champ. Just sitting in my living occupying space. I will even deliver a reasonable distance FREE of charge. :eek: That's how nice I am. I get to pick the day though. Shane
  15. Actually I am increasing my mag as I am fighting a slight bryopsis algae issue. Do you think this my be it? Shane
  16. LanceCobb1 No worries, I totally understand. Andy, whew!! Not if I want to sleep in my own bed. Thanks for the bump. Shane
  17. Hey Jason it is actually kind of hard like calcium deposit. The picture doesn't really show the color it is more blue than white, and I just noticed the only other Acropora I have in the tank is starting to do it also. I'll get pics in a few I am maintanencing right now so things are a mess. Shane
  18. Flow is low to middlin. I had it under a slightly higher flow but changed powerheads as it was to much for the tank. Do acropora's get fungus? Cause that is kind of what it looks like. I don't see anything biting or crawling on it. Shane
  19. I believe this is a type of Lokani. Over the last couple of weeks or so the ends seem to be bubbling (for lack of a better word) up. It wasn't like this when I bought it a couple of months ago and just want to see if this is normal or if I have something going on. I am very new to the acropora corals. Take a look. [/img] [/img] [/img] Shane
  20. Hey Scott I am using Minwax Polycrylic. I have applied it using a spraygun and a brush. I like the waterbase just because clean up is easier. It is not as durable as the oil based, but A LOT easier to clean up after. Shane
  21. Mike I purposely bought the black powder coated ones for just that reason. I figure the bearings are well lubricated, and in a worse case senerio it really isn't that hard to take that tray out if I need to. If you want to steal away, I "tactically acquired" the idea from someone else. The only issues I have are with leaving enough cabling to move it back and forth without them getting in the water. That problem is still a work in progress. Thank you Monty. When it is set up and running you will have to come check it out. Shane
  22. So a month or so ago I cracked the 75 gal I was going to upgrade to. Well after much deliberation I settled on the 90 gallon Oceanic Tech Series Tank. I settled on the 90 because its has the same foot print as the 75 so I won't have to redo my DIY stand and canopy. I love this tank. I can not wait to get it running. [/img] Test fitting the doors [/img] [/img] I'll have more as I move into plumbing and finish up on the doors. Thanks for looking Shane
  23. Hey Ryan it has two cords on individual switches. One switch controls bulbs one and three, the other switch controls the other four bulbs. Thank you Shane
  24. I bought the fixture last August so it is eight months or so old. The fixture itself is in perfect shape. The only issue is the previously mentioned broken mounting leg. New legs are $8.00, or you can still use the leg you just have to use a small clamp to assist in it staying up. Yes it has the individually contoured reflectors. Best pic I have. In the top right of the photo you can see the clamp on the mounting leg. [/img]
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