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Everything posted by USCG CWO

  1. Bah!! Pocket change. I'll take two!
  2. Thanks for the advice. I will attempt to discover where it is sleeping and see if I can pull out just that rock. And again I am not saying that the worm was the culprit for the missing fish but the fish were there one night and not there the next morning.
  3. Over the last two months I have lost 3 fish. The fish were a Starry Blenny, Six Line Wrasse and a Bi-color Blenny. The blennies I had for a while. The six-line I had for two weeks. All were healthy and my water params are good. Last night for the first time ever, I caught a flash of bright red. What I did see was fire engine red (under a halogen flashlight), smooth, segmented, about a 1/8th in thick, and about 5 to 6 inches (that is what was visable) long, and unbelievably fast. I did not notice any of the white tuffs that I associate with bristle worms. This was almost earthworm looking. I need to look at it again to confirm my suspicions. My question is, if it is a eunicid worm how do I get rid of it without breaking my tank down?
  4. Eric, PJRaneri works with me in the Coast Guard and he lives in the Pearl District downtown. I'll talk to him today and find out if he wants me to grab his frag or if he wants to get in contact with you directly. Shane
  5. Siskiou, Rick is spot on. The refugium is plumbed remotely out side the tank and gravity feeds back into the sump. It is a single 1" PVC pipe with a screw in strainer to keep big stuff from flowing into the display via the return pump. I can post a pic if you want one. Shane
  6. Everything seems fine so far Roy. I will just be manually plugging and unplugging things until I get my replacment parts.
  7. Oh I totally agree! I could have been calling the fire department!(scary) I got off pretty light things considered. I am still a noobie by most standards and just wanted to relate my story so maybe someone else wouldn't make the same mistake I made. Complacency has no place in reef keeping.
  8. No it is a single overflow, but I plan on reworking the design.
  9. Yesterday I was looking at my tank as I had just done some basic maintenance (should have done more), my water params where finally on track and things were looking good. I was pretty happy with everything. I put my RKL in standby which shuts down the main pump for 15 minutes and the skimmer for 17 minutes, I feed the tank and clean out the skimmer cup. Life is good. Sit down to surf the forums and...... Standby expires, main pump kicks on so far so good, wait.......what's that noise?!?! Why do I hear water pouring on the floor?!?! Why did my tank just go black and everything shut down?!? I rush over to the aquarium and notice that water is pouring over the rim of my refugium which is remotely tied into my main tank. The water has poured onto my two PC4 power strips which are controlled by my RKL. (which I have had less then a week and a half) The culprit turns out to be the strainer for my overflow in my refugium. A stupid $1 part. From the outside it looks fine and every so often I will just brush the outside of it off to clean it. (I should have removed it) Upon closer examination after I took the five seconds to unscrew it and look inside there is a film that blocked all the passages. If I had spent 30 extra seconds a week and cleaned it this would have never happened. I unhook everything electrical from my RKL, reset the GFCI and plug it all back in ole school and thanks to all that is holy, my lights, fans, and pumps all still work. MY PC4's are shot. (these are $90 each.) For those wondering DA will credit you 20% on your replacement purchases for accident like this. So each PC4 is going to cost me $72 instead of $90. I'm not finished yet..... I wake up at 1030 because something doesn't sound right. Amazing how in a dead sleep, with a door shut and a fan running you can still tell something isn't right. I go out into the living room and notice my main pump isn't working. If you remembered I posted last week about it being louder than usual....well had I heeded my own advice and got off my lazy butt it would have saved me two more hours of disconnecting and cleaning the stupid thing at midnight to get it running again. Moral of this story is Preventative Maintenance is your best friend. If water runs through it, set a schedule and take some time to clean it. It will save you in the long run. Have a great day!! Shane
  10. Clay it sounds like Stomatella snails, and they are a good thing. Do they look like this?
  11. I took advantage of Garrett's snail sale and I am glad I did. Everything was package perfectly, his communication was top notch and you couldn't beat his prices with a stick. This was the first time I have ordered live critters through the mail and Garrett made it a stress free experience. Thanks again Garrett, Shane
  12. Don't know if this helps any but have you check Lowes or HD back where they sell the inground sprinkler connectors. Sometimes I find odd pieces I need there.
  13. For me it honestly came down to one thing, I was sick and tired of lugging jugs of water back and forth. So for me it is definitely worth it. There are cheaper models out there. I have this one and it works like a champ, and shipping is free. http://cgi.ebay.com/AQUARIUM-REEF-RO-DI-REVERSE-OSMOSIS-FILTRATION-SYSTEM_W0QQitemZ350256527779QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item518cea79a3&_trksid=p4634.c0.m14.l1262
  14. I see "Roy's Famous" Fungia's are doing nicley on the left hand side there. Looking at how much is going into your new tank I can't believe how packed full your 24's were. Dang you have a lot of stuff. Very nice Roy.
  15. I have heard of the place. My beer brewing buddies get there supplies from there. I guess I will have to stop by and check it out next time they go. Thank you for the information.
  16. And how does one "brew" rootbeer? I'd like to give this a shot.
  17. Thanks everyone. I will research all the places you have suggested. Hopefully I can find it as it is her favorite and she is more susceptible to the purchase of "fishy things" when I buy stuff for her and she wasn't expecting it.(naughty)
  18. I know this is an odd question but their web page says that they sell it here in Washington and Oregon but I can't find it anywhere. My wife is a sucker for their root beer, but I just can't see ordering it online at $30 for six bottles. Anyone seen it in a store around here? Thanks Shane
  19. +1 with Rick. I have two 1" overflows on my 90 gal and the manufacture states one will flow approx. 600 gph and both will flow approx. 1200 gph. When I initially set up my tank I had a bigger pump on my system and even cutting back on the pump it would suck my sump dry. The overflows just could not keep up. You might want to check with your tank manufacture and see what they say about your tanks overflow rate.
  20. Thanks Isaac I will check that to.
  21. I plan on capping it from inside the sump and then draining the access water it onto a bowl. Luckily it won't be alot water and then I will plumb in a shutoff valve when I take apart the pump.
  22. I am not holding my breath. To many good games being pushed till next year. Sorry Eric I didn't mean to side track your thread. I do plan on upgrading both my systems to Windows 7 but after some time has gone by. Windows tends to be buggy upon initial release. Anyone know if they are releasing both a 32 or 64 bit or is it just going to be 64 bit?
  23. I am not that smart or lucky Rick.(sad) It is hard piped.(flame)
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