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Posts posted by fishiefish

  1. crap yes i wish I knew what I know now when I moved my tank....take twice as many bags as you thought you would need, buy a billion hand warmers(on clearance in camping section at wally world) the kind you shake to activate...wrap them in newspaper put under and ontop in those cheap styrofoam coolers, also at wally world and you can use lunch pails too but make sure you run them under warm water to warm the plastic up.also buy rubber maids or what not to store as much water as possible.use duct tape and plastic wrap to keep it from leaking.if you have extra funds go get a electric plug in(like the kind you would use for a laptop)to plug in to the lighter spot, and use that for a heater to put with your precious fish and corals and take a breath of relief when you wont have to check the temp every 5 seconds and freak out about your pride and joy. also buy garlic immunity booster to build them up before ...


    also just like dnoz said be prepared for a cycle and algae dont feed them the first day so you can see your levels perfectly.feed them extra the day before and if you can try to clean up the tank as much as possible the week before you move. I fed mine in the transport water that i Wasnt keeping just cuz I felt guilty and bad for them.....I moved them 6 hours and had a horrible experence when I got back with setting up and some serious unfor seen plumbing problems....make a plan down to the so small they shouldnt matter details...those little ones bite you in the butt everytime. pm me if you got q's I recently moved my 90 gallon. sorry this is such a messy comment I'm on my work break.

  2. so my sea anemone long tent. has moved it self under my live rock( I have rock lifts so theres a couple inches of space) um I dont know if its trying to move, hiding from something, dying, looking for a new area? anyone have some insight? I just wondering if I should rip apart my rock work and get him out or let him do his own thing?(scratch) he looked fine the last couple days...hes eating and the only thing out of the norm was that the timer didnt turn on my lights today......what would you guys suggest?

  3. ya know she might be swayed if you actually took out the garbage when you said "right on it" (flame)oh better yet stun her with taking it out without her asking.:eek:.....she'l let you do anything, cause she'll be speechless...I know I would be , then again you may be one of those rare men who actually notice things that need to be done....in that case I'll explain to her that she should reward you ,so that other men will follow suit and how it would greatly benifit women around the world:D..... I get a discounted frag though(rock2)

  4. k my nitate is at 0 nitrite o my alk is alittle low higher than the 120 but lower than the(almost)180 an ph is also low looks like little lower than 7.8

    temp is at 78.9 right now...afew days ago got up to 80.7 once a week ago it got up to 81.7......I cant find the calcium tester that I bought but I'm looking. oddly I did notice the week when I had my temp go up my anemone looked amazing but I didnt notice anything looking really stressed and the hammer looked the same.

  5. I've had it about a month1/2 but it was fine for 6months with the guy who had it before me...moved it up from grantspass. will check calcium when I GET HOME. I have a fuge and I do the reverse photo period almost everynight...sometimes I forget...I'm nervous about the calcium cause I dont have a continuous pump of it going.


    whats a slurry? no camera right now but will borrow friends this weekend. I have it placed lower middle area with moderate flow.

  6. okay so I have a hammer coral thats not doing well...I'm moveing it around trying to find a area that it likes...its not extending its feelers any more and is looking rough(scary) I'm trying to give it a couple days in each spot to see if it likes it but nothing is working. I have a 90 gallon tank 2 250 watt mh , great water except that this morning my ph level was alittle low..trying to fix this but seems to be low every two days or so...what causes this?could this be whats upseting my hammer? no fish or snail or hermit seems to be messing with it I have some algae but its not much anymore and was never around the hammer...help please thanks in advance

  7. yeah hard to tell with pics...your sure its not its natural markings comming in? is it more textured ? like velvet body fungi perhaps? cant really tall can you describe more in detail and any thing the fish is doing out of the norm...is it twitching, rubbing it self on anything, lack of appitite?

  8. ugg I've dealt with this before...mind you my husband and I are barly out of our teens and so it really erks me when I see people being complete morons just to be a moron....and down here in eugene/ springtucky we seem to have a extreemly high population(flame) of idiots....anyways this exact thing happened awhile ago but it was just me in the car , and I'm not very big. that day I officially broke in my horn and got very close to them with my car ....even aiming alittle(wife) when you get really close to them while laying on the horn the move(threaten). my husband gets it all the time and he really goes after them.....the thing that gets me is one day these idiots are gonna be running the world.....(scary)

  9. that sucks...it does sound like a sratch though....I've dealt with cracks before...they suck but theres no denying it you can clearly see it and its ridged where the glass has seperated on both sides..even when its tiny...hope it works out.

  10. thanks...yeah when I feed them tomorrow I'll probably try the bowl idea so that they can get enough... the kenya and xenia are kinda starting to open up...what flow did you have them in? a couple of the suns were out and I didnt even have my lights off(clap) I was feeding my tank so maybe they were snacking...I'll pick up some brine cubes tomorrow and start feeding them that I glued most of the pieces of the suns to the one bigger rock and I'll glue more tomorrow ...I only bought one tube .....obviously ran out(wife) so the rest is stratigicly placed in my tank(whistle) thanks again have a great night.

    oh loved that the hermit shell was the plug lol its so cute and fits perfectly into a hole in my lv rock:p

  11. (rock2) you guys are so great thanks so much for sharing...dsoz you are so generous ...thanks and I hope I'll have something to give you soon...and shawn your so nice thanks again and thanks for being willing to meet up on such short notice :D



    everythings looking pretty good thanks guys, if anyone is looking to do trades with these guys, their great and I highly recommend them(rock2)(rock2)

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