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Posts posted by fishiefish

  1. nice pics and really nice tank...I love that arch, I was trying to do something kind of like that in my aqua scape but cant find pieces like that anywhere, where did you pick it up? love the bubble coral

  2. hmmm I'VE HEARD STUFF LIKE THIS BEFORE...UGG caps sorry...anyways if you just think about it I dont think its logical.....hmm let me take something more sensitive and expensive and just dump it into my tank....what would you do? i personally think the two hours is worth it. also alot of them dont show affects quickly so of course for the next couple days everything looks great. by the time a anemone starts showing signs its too late not all the time but often. shipping is stressful on a animal yeah if its been horrible and you want it out of that water fast...I could see speeden it up because of the situation but most of the time no you should go with the regular acclimation. it deserves it.

    I recently brought home my rose which had been very stressed....though not sure how oxx155 acclimated it( he probably recieved it with nery little water and it had been in shipping for over 48 hours) when I got it from him I did a 2 hour acclimation and by the time I accutally put it in the tank it had been 2.5....well it looks great even being harassed by my maroons. it has attached well open up and color is great. so I think its worth the two hours

  3. oh wow sorry for your loss...when I was having bad algae i used those little teeth cleaning things to go around each head....tedious yes but affective.

  4. yeah I would be if you wernt far away...maybe one day but with gas prices I'm trying to stay put.....with the comments about a reactor maybe I'LL just get a pinpoint......oh well this hobby sure is expensive. my husband is very tolerant of my splurges and my" oh honey I need it"

  5. yeah I will be, this has been going on for awhile without my understanding what the problem was.I've lost several snails....not to many hermits but a few. I lost my xenia though very sad I'm Thinking that this is probably why(scratch) ...I had four little ones two from dsoz and two from breefcase and lost them all in a 48 period did water tests like crazy and besides some alage nothing apeared to be wrong.....then my hydrometer started sticking and tests with 20 min. spans were completly different. someone told me to make sure of no bubbles in it but by that point I had a gut feeling of what was happening and sure enough I go on line and everyone is telling me how bad these hydrometers are.......first I had heard of it(flame) my zoas are hanging in there and starting to look happy again except for most of the fabulous one that breefcase gave me(it had green bay packers on it which are gone and these neat orange ones(sad)(sad)(sad)(sad)), though it will probably be a day or so till they open back up. and my sun coral and little accro is doing fine it is now (my specific gravity(naughty)) at a nice 1.026 and I did just a little top off this morning....I'm bummed I really loved the xenia but atleast my babies were okay.....I kinda started freaking out and pulled my spawning maroon and put them in the quaritine tank , which they seemed to like(laugh). but there are now back in my display tank and I think everythings gonna be fine.

  6. nope you got me correctDOH! making both with salt....not doing that anymore thankfully I was told that this was the best way now i did normally make it lower but still my levels as you can see were (scary). I'm blessed it didnt get worse. I was told if you just put ri/do water in even small amounts it will possibly do damage and kill them...........I am learning to take everything with a grain of salt(scratch) all my fishies are out and eating and I sitting at 1.028 by to different hydrometers...will get a refrac soon......deal with them at work....maybe they wont notice if I borrow one tonight(nutty) lol just kidding thanks everyone for your fast help

  7. okay so due to a horrible red sea(wife)hydrometer my salt levels are off the chart...fish are doing great snails not so hot I have already done a 15 percent water change with ri/do water no salt!:eek:...should I do another?(scary) I am now using 2 six inch deep hydrometer (rock2)I just want to drop my levels safly but quicklyany advice? please help and please check your red sea hydrometers(flame) thanks for any help

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