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Posts posted by TankIt

  1. Red stuff


    Looks to me like it could very well be Red Cyano bacteria, look it up online and you can get a better idea. Its not the end of the world but its not good to have. There are a lot of ways to help remedy the problem but try the more natural ways first!!!!

    Treat with meds. only as a last resort!

    Remove what you can of it and increase water flow helps tremendously!

    There are many different ways you can go about getting rid of it though, do some reaserch on the ways and trial and error until you find the 1 that works best for you! A lot of people sware by different way and always think theirs is the best way!!!!


    Good luck!!!! Hope this helped!!!!(scratch)

  2. It needs a little but is not in bad shape! Unfortunatly just has the original Pc hood with it though. I have some Bioballs to include with it and it has the nice black stand you can get for it.

    I will make a great deal for them if you are interested send me a PM and we can discuss details.

    I can include some dry sand and LS from my zoo tank to seed it, I also some excess rock I could include for a little more! And I can frag a few zoos and shrooms for it to!



  3. Nano


    I have a 24 gallon Aqua pod for sale with the tank, and nice black stand for it too. It just has the original lid with the PC lights and will need new bulbs soon but I will sell it to you for a smokkk-innnn deal if you are interest. I can also get you setup with dry sand and seed it with some out of my zoo tank which has been running for a long time! I can include a couple nice pieces of LR and frag off a few zoos and green polyps and this encrusting coral I have that is a type of georgonian the best I can tell (but it does great under PC lights!) , also possibly some red and/or blue spotted mushrooms. Send me a PM if you are interested and we can discuss price!!!



  4. Same topic


    So I am thinking about a clam, when I do get it home should I try placing it where I would like it to be and hope it likes it to???? The problem is the way I have my rock setup now, which I am thinking will be moved before purchasing anything else anyway.

    Any advice for the first time clam shopper???

  5. oh ya


    And I am soooo much happier with the amazing change in the light my tank has shown!!!!!

    Gota love MH I think its a 15 or 18 K bulb that is on it........ SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL!!!!

    I have not noticed much heat increase since my tank has no top and I have a small fan pointed toward my tank light...... So we will have to wait and see I guess..........(scary)

  6. MH


    What I have done is basicly raised the light way above my tank!!! More than a foot above the water line and most of my corals are twards the bottom of my tank. This is the seacond day with the MH and all corals seem to be doing great! My anemones have more than doubled in size too, they are open to their max and loving it!!!

    I was aware of the corals burning which is why I took the top off my canopy and raised the light box up above my canopy with 2x4's.

    Like I said so far so good, nothing seems to be affected in a bad way. My main concern was with heat and what affects can be caused by to much light: ie algae and stuff. I may just continue to run the 400watt if I do not have any problems with it............



  7. Ok I have 2 29 gallon reefs......... What harm besides heat can come from using 400 watt MH on each? I know its over board for light but its what I got and what I'm running since my PC ballast just took a crap the other day. I spent a day and a half contemplating but due to the obvious lack of light my colar and anemones were pretty pissed off at me and I had to do something quick!!!! All I was running was this little PC reading lamp I have over the tank for a day. not sure what is going on with the PC balast yet, I do not think its bulbs because what are the chances a dual balast has both bulbs blow on the same day??? On inspection they look fine.......

    Any opinions.................(scary)

  8. Similar


    I have something similar in my tank! I have never seemed to have any problems by it so I leave it alone..... More like I cannot catch the little bugger!!!LOL I saw him in a rock crevis a few weeks after I got some new rock. I pocked and proded ripping some small pieces off the rock trying to get to him but to no avail!!!! I have only actually seen him twice since then and I think I felt him once when I picked up his rock but I freaked at the feeling like a spider was on my hand and I dropped the rock. So I told him I would make a deal he leaves my livestock alone and I will let him be!!!!! He never really comes out of the rock crevises but I seem to see him only right before I turn the lights out. I have tried looking with a flashlight after the lights have been off a while but never have any luck...........(scratch)

  9. blue tang


    That is funny because the spot he hangs out is actually right next to my powerhead and my intake......

    He has settled in better this weekend though, he is now swimming more about the whole tank and eating very well. He even hangs out with my black clowns from time to time...... Funny I know, he will swim with them for a few minutes above their anemone(scratch). I will keep some updates posted as they come.(scary)

  10. So I bought a tiny blue tang for my 29gal the other day.... (WILL OUTGROW QUICK I KNOW!!!!) But I am begining searches for a bigger tank now!!!!

    Anyway the tank he is in is a mirror back tank. He has picked a favorite corner and just swims back and forth along the back of the tank. He seems to be doing ok otherwise, I haven't really noticed him eating to much but I am not home all day sooo? (scratch)I cannot figure out if its stress or if he just likes the look of himself(naughty)(agree)(dancing). He stops frequently and seems to admir himself.

    Any Ideas????????.........

  11. I am looking to see if there is anybody interested in purchasing seahorses......

    The horses I am breeding right now are Hippocampus Erectus and Hippocampus Kuda. Both Vary in color but will generally be if you have bright coral and/or background, a yellow to gold or even black in color. A few of the babies are even showing some white stripes that may or may not stay.



    If you are really interested you are welcome to contact me further and I will give you my contact information so we can discuss things further. Seahorses are a serious hobby and take dedication if you are willing it can also be very fun!!!!!!!

    Thank You for your interest




  12. dual 250


    If you do not buy the dual 250 I might.........Jabams7 send me a pm if you still have I am interested, or interested in a trade for my dual 400 watt if you would do that to, I have all but the reflectors and its all barely used!!!!

  13. Have your clowns laid eggs?


    I know someone is setting up right now for breeding clowns and I know he would take good care of them... He would be happy to keep them for you and then return them when you are ready for them back........ I can put you in touch with him if you are interested?

  14. Finally!!!!!


    I will try to post some of the pics of the babies I have at my house. Here we go.......

    I will be getting some pics of the parents tomorrow morning so I will try to get them on here by tomorrow afternoon.......

    The first pic is of the older baby and 2 smaller ones in front of him. The rest are all of him. I am not sure why but I cannot get a lot of the ones of the babies to download I will work on that though....(scratch)





  15. moving babies


    Also I found it funny that everyone says do not move baby horses untill they are at leased 6 weeks old.......

    I took my big older baby and a few of the little guys home with me last night, it was a good 20 min + ridein a bag and I did not even aclimate them. What I did was removed about 60 % of the water from the 2 gal and put the water from the bag in then just poured them in..... They are doing great even eating in less than an hour after the move and this morning they were all hitching and eating great! My goal is to get the big baby eating frozen and I did not want him to be lonley.....

  16. Anything lost in the first five days is from water quality or just weaklings. Since you have only lost three sounds like your in great shape. Keep it up.


    How big was the brood?


    Had to be the waeker ones lost since I am staying on top of the water with daily 10-15% water changes........

    The Kuda had about 65-70 and the Erectus had about 50-60, I always loose track when I am moving them, and I find a few left behind hiding in the other tank over the 1-2 days after they are born.


    I will get some pics as soon as I can but my digi sucks and I have been very bussy!!!!! I will try to get some this weekend.


  17. Breeding season in full swing!!!!!





    So saturday morning I got a call.................

    Another DADDY just had another batch, this 1 is Hippocampus Erectus! Sunburst!!!

    So now I am adding another 60-70 babbies to my chore list!!!!!

    Totalling now more than 100 babbies and 1 daddy that now looks pregnant again!!!!

    The bad part is that I had to mix the babies in together so I have erectus and Kuda in the same grow out tank, hopefully I can tell the difference when they are grown up more!!!!DOH!

    I am going to be setting up a few more 10 gallons now so that in the future I can keep the species seperate!!!!

    What a start to am early morning.......

  18. Ok here is my delema.......

    I am setting up a 2 gallon mini rectangle with dwarf seahorses.... My problem is what to do for filtration????? I am pretty sure I am going to use the mini HOB by azoo, (I already have 1) but I am woried about the flow coming out that it would be to much for the little guys..... I am going to use son courcer type of filter pad to wrap around the inlet to prevent anything from being sucked up in the filter. All the sponge filters I have seen around here are all so big they will take up [language filter] near half the tank...............

    SO ANY IDEAS??????????????????(scratch)

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