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Posts posted by TankIt

  1. JJ's North


    No real reason given for the closure but I do know they were owned by the same company who ownes Old country Buffet. Which is where it was heard they were closed for good by a former employ employee of JJ's who was reasigned to the Old Country Buffet out there.


  2. Sad to have to pass this on but due to an event that was schedualed there this afternoon for a family member I learned of some bad news. When my grandfather arrived to his scheduled meeting there today to find the place was locked up tight and no longer in business. There are no plans to reopen the resturant according to one of the former employees. Apparently they even failed to inform the groups who had already booked the conference rooms!!!!! So I guess we will have to find another place to have any further events such as that of Bob Fenner!!!!!!

    Its just too bad!!!!!!

  3. aqua pod


    Its a 24 gallon and I have the more expensive, sturdier, wider stand for it. Like I said I cannot get pics right now but if you want to take come take a look at it your welcome to.

    I would sell you the tank, PC hood and stand for $150,a little more if you want some LR & LS. send me a pm if you are interested.


  4. lights


    The problem with pc lights is the heat!!! On just a 10 gal heat can be a real problem with such low water volume. I would say if you can go with the t-5s. Also I have seen a 70 watt MH on a 10 gal, and it looked great!!!

    I was actually running 3 65 watt PC lights on my 29 gal, then the ballast quit on me.

    Now I am running a 400 watt MH and I do not think the heat out put is much more, my tank temp went up about 2 degrees and has been stable with a small fan pointed at it for cooling. I love the look so much better of the MH. I would say if you can run a MH definatly do it!!!!!

    Hope this helps!!!!(naughty)

  5. Tank


    I would probly not run powerheads. The tank is drilled at about the middle right now with 2 returns which deliver a desent amount of flow. I have had the tank for a few months with seahorses and have not had any problems......

  6. Hey has anyone on here ever setup a tank with just rock and anemones???? I am thinking it might be really cool to setup my bosses 72 bowfront at his business with just LR, Anemones, and a couple types of clowns.......

    Any ideas???? On how this might work out?????

  7. Poss trade


    Hey I would love to trade you.... Send me a pm about what you are looking for or into. I have a bunch of diff. colored zoos and some very nice metalic purple/blue shrooms I am considering trading.......(naughty)


  8. Rock


    I buy most of my rock from seahorse aquarium and I have not had any problems with just adding it to the tank. The wrap all their rock in wet newspaper for you to take it home and it smells good when I get it home so I just throw it in the tank.

  9. Aqua C


    I have the Aqua C Remora with the prefilter and have had no trouble with it... Do you tighten the nobs on the side where the powerhead is down tight???? If you turn them to the right then they tighten down on the powerhead pinching it and holding it in place............ Mine has never moved on me and I have had mine for a few months now.........


  10. Clam


    So I got a great deal.... $30 for this little croceas clam. It about the size of 1 1/2 golf balls. Beautiful blue and green and purple coloring...... I have it in this little shelf bowl I created in a rock and he seems happy, hasn't tried to move and opens nicely for me..... Its beautiful!!!! I will try to get some pics tomorrow when I get home from work.......


  11. 24 POD


    Just a bump to see if any one is interest??????

    I will sell for $125 complete Tank and Stand!!!!!!!! and its the good full sized stand not the skinny tipsy 1!!!!!!! I can include sand and some LR for just a little more!!!!!!

    A Great deal!!!!!!!!

  12. Baby seahorses


    The Kuda and Erectus are mixed in a tank right now. There is about 50 -60, they are 1 week old and eating baby brine shrimp. If you are interested in all I would sell them all for $75!!!!! which is only a little more than a dollar a piece! you can sell them to the local shops when they are a little older and eating frozen (which is not hard to do).... All the shops around here have already told me they would buy them!!!! To the person who sent me a message about them if you are interested please let me know ASAP because I do have someone else interested, I would get more for them but only credit at a store and I need to get them gone and cash talks better!!!!!!!




    I would sell the live stock seperatley from the equipment I just do not want to part out the tank and equipment. Can you go to the Mcminnamins meet and greet this sunday? We can discuss details there or you can call me at 503-679-5183.

    2 pairs of these horses sell for $689 at www.seahorse.com which is where they were purchased from, I know the owner paid a lot more a year ago when they were actually purchased, these are also mated and breeding every 2 weeks which seahorse.com told us we would not be able to do and I have proven them wrong with the 4 batches I have had and the survivors as proof! I am not asking nearly what they are for their horses. Make me a good offer, I have not gotten a strait answer about how much the owner wants for them yet sooooo...........(scratch)

    I hope you have seem the pics I posted on her already in a different spot on the forum..... I am going to try to get better pics tomorrow.



  14. The owner of the seahorses I have been breeding has decided to sell them! And asked me to do it for him!


    2 Breeding pairs of Hippocampus Erectus sunburst! Bright yellow and orange!

    3 Female Kuda all black with some white marbleing

    2 Male Kuda 1 yellow and 1 white with verticle brown stripes (Beautiful!)

    2 Large toadstools

    large Red mushroom colony rock

    some green fuzzy shroom

    2 Large hairy shrooms

    1 Nice Large Kenya tree

    2 Large leathers I cannot remember the name (1 purple+1 Green)

    A few Nice large Show pieces of LR

    A TON OF MACRO!!!!!!

    2 fake branching corals for hitching

    About 50 2 week old baby Kuda and Erectus


    Please Keep in mind the Adults seahorses are all breeding! They are also and have been for the last year on a diet of only Frozen PE Mysis and the rare Live Brine as a treat. but only 1 or 2 times per month. They need to be fed twice per day at leased! The all have their own personalityies adn I have got to know them very well now, even having them eat out of my hand now!!! These are very social pet and I am sad to see them go but happy at the same time because the owner does not have the time to even feed them once per day and I cannot make 2 trips per day to his house, once is bad enough!!!!!



    1-72 gallon bowfront Aquarium with a nice stand and canopy

    a nice large sized sump built for this tank with a great working skimmer (I am not sure what brand)

    For lights there is 1 4' T-5 dual strip and 1 4' PC strip with 2 65 watt 50/50 bulbs

    There is also a biowheel HOB filter without the wheel for the use of carbon and a little extra flow.

    This comes with a light timer power strip from coralife


    1-12 gallon biocube with LS, LR and Macro

    1-15 gallon tall with fake coral, macro and light, heater, 2 sponge filters

    1-10 with wrot iron stand light, heater, sponge filter, LS, Macro (currently baby sea horses)

    1-10 gallon with light, heater, sponge filter, LS, fake coral and macro needs to be cleaned but in great shape.


    I would like to sell the tanks complete as packages, please send me a PM about what you are interested in and I will let you know about the prices.

    I know I need to get some pics and I will try to get some tomorrow.

    Thanks Amanda

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