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Everything posted by Zoolander

  1. I just got this all setup and running only to find out that one of 2 things happens: The sump starts to fill up The tank starts to fill up I killed the siphon for now but what can I do to correct this? My thought was to buy another overflow box from a member on this board to increase water flow. What details do you need to help me with this? Edit: It seems to be good now but I am still skeptical. I think getting a second box might be a good idea. Also, is there anything I can do to quiet the box down? The water draining is loud! I am wondering if maybe the piping is too big?
  2. Let us know how it goes. I doubt I would be a ton of help but I could take a look if you are still having issues.
  3. Sure, you come down to Eugene often?
  4. I'm setting up my refugium and figured I would ask as live sand would be better than new sand. Thanks!
  5. You know once this is fixed we will have to see pics of the tank.
  6. It may benefit you to go home on your lunch and check. As long as you have some form of water movement in the tank the livestock should be ok.
  7. This is just the setup for the sump, right? If so, this link should help you. http://www.melevsreef.com/allmysumps.html
  8. I was looking at doing the same thing. What about plumber's tape?
  9. Are they still in bags? What exactly needs to be done to get it up and running? Have you fixed the leaking?
  10. I actually will be up there sometime this week. More than likely Saturday afternoon.
  11. If I had space I would totally take him. I know your pain, though, I have Cichlids I need to get rid of.
  12. I would be but I just bought some.
  13. I did a kalk paste and it instantly killed them. The sad part was they spit some out when they died, killing a mushroom and about a dozen polyps. That part sucks but I got all the ones I could see. My only advice is be careful when you are administering the paste because it kills everything that ingests it.
  14. Unfortunately, 2 of the 3 rocks they are on contain other items. I was just told by a co-worker that powdered calcium and water from a syringe also works and my LFS carries it so I may as well try it and see. I will let you guys know what happens. Another interesting way I read about was to put a shell on top of them so they move on top of the shell and then you remove the shell. Seems like a great method if you have absolutely nothing else to do but it was interesting.
  15. So, I have spent the last 20 minutes reading on these and have not found a sure solution to kill them other than Joe's Juice. Is there a place I can get that locally?
  16. I was under the impression these were Aptasias and that Peppermint Shrimp would eat them. I have two in there and so far they have not touched them. There are no fish in the tank yet so food is not being put into the tank. Are they just not hungry enough to eat them? And a pic of my crab because he's fun to watch.
  17. Zoolander


    This thread has convinced me to break down my 20g fresh and make it a zoa tank.
  18. I had thought about it but read about their sweeper tentacles getting pretty long. Do they multiply quickly?
  19. I thought I had it figured out by keeping the peaceful corals on the other side of the tank but, to my surprise, when I woke up this morning, an anemone had crossed the tank and moved in to a rock that I was going to put peacefuls on. How do I keep my peaceful coral separate from my semi-agressive coral?
  20. I don't know the answer to that but you are doing what we have been talking about doing for over a year now. Congrats. (clap)
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