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Posts posted by JasonH

  1. Well, I don't want to turn this into a tang police thread, but if you're signature line is correct and you have a 75 gallon tank with 4 tangs, that's likely a contributing factor. That a huge bio-load, and tangs are pretty dirty fish.

  2. Cyano is almost always due to a lack of flow. You may have plenty of total flow, but have some dead spots. Try changing your water flow a bit and see if it helps the cyano.


    I can't help with the hair/turf algae - if you can get rid of it, you're a better man than I. I have a big problem with it, but only on my egg crate that serves as a frag shelf. I'm beginning to suspect that is somehow a factor. You may want to pick up some red legged dwarf hermits. They are supposed to munch on hair algae - mine don't seem to(laugh), but in theory. Some people like/suggest lettuce nudie's and sea hares - i think they are just power head fodder (sad). Personally, I like emerald crabs - they seem to do the most work for their weight, but won't be much help with hair algae.


    Kris' suggestion to turn off the lights for 3 days is a good one, I think. I've heard several accounts of this working very well, with little to no negative effects on coral. However, I believe it is a stop-gap measure. Without fixing the underlying cause (phosphates/nutrients) then the algae will just return.


    Lastly - do you have a sump growing macro? That can help as it will compete for nutrients. That's all I got. Good luck.

  3. Oh, that's brutal. Did you end up using Titebond III or something even more water-proof?


    I'm getting ready to build a stand of my own and am looking to learn from your... ah... mistake.(whistle)

  4. Traded the whole thing for a beautiful frag of Purple Monster - tough trade, but worth it. The Baby's Breath is a real nice coral - that pic was bad (of both), it looks much nicer in person. I've got a huge chunk of the Tyree AE war coral, but that's my only favia now.


    I got mine from Matt at ReefReady.net(Al G Blenny on RC), who's a real nice guy. I haven't seen it locally. Sorry - good luck in your search.

  5. Okay, bad picture - back of the tank at night in a spot where I can't really reach the glass to clean it. I noticed this... thing sticking out from under the rock just next to the empty snail shell. It was moving around on it's own. Doesn't really look like a worm - looks kind of like the proboscis of a conch - though it's certainly not. Any ideas?


    Sorry again about the bad pic. As soon as the flash went off it was out of sight.



  6. Panther - I'm an aspiring woodworker myself, and I have to say I'm in awe. That is really beautiful, and very well crafted. I wish I could crank out projects like that. My hat's off to you, sir.

  7. Hey - the Mandarin looks great! Thanks for posting a picture of him. It's great to see him happy and healthy in his new home.


    Tank is looking great, too. Good job on the move. That's a tough process - very impressive to make it with zero loses.

  8. Well, I'm really just using my tank (29g) as a frag tank until I get my large tank built - probably 6 to 9 months out. So, I've decided to get rid of my fish to ensure I don't have any chemical spikes and risk losing my growing (and expensive) frag collection.


    First to go is my Mandarin goby. Breaks my heart, but I think reducing the bio-load is the smart direction.


    I've had him for 2-3 years. He's in great shape, eats well - but is definitely a pod eater. I've never seen him take frozen or flake. So, please be sure that you have enough pods to support him. I don't want to give him away just to have him slowly starve in an ill-prepared tank.


    PM me if interested. Whoever gets him must pick him up. I live in Bethany - north of 26 near Murray.


    Next up will be my mated clown pair... but I haven't quite gotten over the emotional hurdle of getting rid of them.

  9. i would agree with what other have posted. The problem with using the fuge for pods is that the return pump (impeller) will kill about 90% of them - at least that's what I've read. That makes the fuge largely useless for that purpose.


    There are hang-on-back refugiums that are gravity fed on the return that would be quite effective for that - even though they are much smaller. They are also quite expensive, unfortunately - about $100 - for what they are.


    Otherwise, I think the rubble pile is a good idea.

  10. I agree with Andy that the silicone would eventually leak. If you can't get the CL off, can you get it empty? Then you could apply a liberal amount of PVC glue to the leak and fill what ever gap is leaking. But if you can't get the CL empty until the glue is thoroughly dry, you'd pollute the tank.


    Unfortunately, Andy may be right that the best long term solution may be to bite the bullet and fix it right.

  11. Well, that was fast. All three of the larger corals are spoken for. If anyone backs out, I will let people know in the order the PM's were received.


    I do still have two frag size left. Each is probably about 3/4" across and stands about 1 1/2" tall. Those are $35. Both frags are from budding, not cutting.


    Thanks to all who have sent PM's.



  12. Wow - lot's of interest already. I'm glad people like the coral (it's one of my favorites) and think the price is fair. Seems to be a lot of interest in the larger sizes - I guess an extra $10 is worth skipping over months of growing out the smaller ones.


    It seems that more people visit this forum, so I'll try to track progress on this thread. As a reminder, the smaller frags are $35 and the larger corals are $45. I've attached the same picture as in the other thread - one of the larger corals available. I'll try to get a picture this weekend of the smaller frags.


    I've already gotten two definite responses from Parvo and Pledosophy, so I'll reserve one of the larger corals for each of you. I'll reply to PM's to arrange a time to pick up/deliver/meet.


    I do have one more of the large sizes - though if you buy it you're going to be making one of my clowns very sad. And both frags are still available.


    Thanks for all the interest. I think I've replied to all PM's, so ping me if I missed you.


    Also, if anyone wants any of the Zoos that you see in the pic, or any green encrusting Gorgonia - I'll gladly toss some of those in for free. They are both growing out of control and I need to get rid of some.


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