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Posts posted by JasonH

  1. TMPCC will work as a dip, but Interseptor will treat the whole tank. As Curtis mentioned, once a week for three weeks.


    It will kill all crabs and shrimp (including most of your pod populations) so if you can get those out of your tank for the duration, you should.


    Red Bugs suck, but they are probably the easiest of the dreaded three (along with AEFW and Monti eating nudis) to get rid of.


    I don't know about starfish, but snails aren't harmed by interceptor.

  2. No, I have them on opposite sides. One (K3) is on the right side glass (high and towards the front glass) and pointing across the tank. The other (K2) is on the back glass on the far left side, low - pointing toward the front glass and a little up.

  3. To weigh in on flow... I have a Koralia 3 and a Koralia 2 in a 29gal tank. I have to be careful about how to point them so that there isn't direct flow punishing any one coral, but I think that level of flow is perfect for my tank.


    I'm getting better polyp extention and better growth since upgrading my flow (I think...)

  4. I use Revive as well. It does smell like pine sol - which is scary. But i think it is an effective and more gentle option than TMPCC. TMPCC is the "nuke" option.


    If I get an expensive coral and want to stress it out as little as possible, but still get rid of nasties that might hitch a ride, then I like Revive - and use it on anything before it goes into my tank. Everything gets a Revive and Interceptor bath.


    If I knew a coral had something specific, then I would use TMPCC. But as a preventative measure, I just want to take as little risk as possible of causing an already stressed frag to RTN.

  5. Great, thanks Dennis. I'm in no hurry - it's not in the way or anything. We can do it when you have time - I'll drop it by some time and help frag it.


    That's what I was worried about - it's not like a torch where the skeleton is clear. The flesh of the coral covers the whole skeleton - so you have to cut the flesh with the skeleton.


    I'm glad there's interest and people are happy to get a piece of this coral. Makes me happy that I'm giving something away to people that are happy to get it.


    And the nice thing is that it grows really fast, so starting with just 3 or 4 heads, you'll have a full colony soon.

  6. Here's a pic - as always, pardon the poor picture taking. It's beige/pink. The oral disc is purple with green lines.




    I can try to frag it up. I'm hoping that I can ask Dennis to frag it - if he has experience fragging torches and FS, he might do a better job of it. I have a dremmel and can give it a shot if need be. But I'm used to fragging SPS - so it's going to be a learning curve for me.


    It's not a very light demanding coral. If you mount it high in the tank, it should be okay under PC lighting.

  7. I have a duncan that I got as an extra in a trade some time back. Was only a couple heads then, but as Duncans do... it grew quickly; it's got to be around 15-20 now. It's just not doing it for me - doesn't work in my tank.


    I was trying to figure out what to do with it - sell it, trade it - and thought I'd see if Dennis and the teacher set wanted it first.


    It could easily be fragged into 4 pieces so several people could have a piece. Anyway, if you guys want it, it's yours - just let me know.



  8. Not sure who the "donation" comment was directed at. Since I did mention some gain to the individual (membership paid) in exchange for the "donation" I guess it could be me.


    My comment was in response to the question of why there aren't more people participating and what would encourage participation.


    The three points you mention, fishmanmike, for the program neglect one point - fund raising.


    Part of my point was that, for whatever reason, I would be more inclined to donate frags to be auctioned as part of a fund-raiser than for some kind of point system.


    Lord knows I don't have the skills to propogate something that others can't. I'm not really looking for any kind of recognition.

  9. Yeah, I have to admit, I just wasn't sure what the point was. If this were a periodic fundraiser for the org, that that would actually make more sense as a motivator for me.


    Like a once a quarter thing at a meeting people donated frags (or whatever) and it was an organized auction. Then any proceeds just go to the club.


    Maybe as an incentive for donators, after you've raised $100+ for the club, you dues are paid for the next year. Or you get a special description below your name (since that seems to be a popular request).

  10. I might have something similar - hard to say without a picture and I don't have a picture of mine either.


    I only have one. It's been in the same spot for ages. Withdraws very quickly if touched or if light changes. I've never seen mine come out, though - just protrudes the feeders. So maybe not the same thing if you're comes out and moves around. Mine has never harmed anything.


    The feather duster like feelers indicate it's a stationary filter feeder rather than a mobile predator.


    See if you can get a picture and I'll do the same.

    • Like 1
  11. Brittle stars are reef safe aren't they? I don't have any stars, so I haven't paid much attention, but if I remember correctly serpent stars aren't - brittle stars are. But someone correct me if I'm wrong.


    Plus, they are good and creepy - something a young boy would love.

    • Like 1
  12. Welcome!


    Yellow Watchmen Gobies are very popular and with very good reason. Good color, good personality. Take a look into that.


    You should also consider an algae blenny. Also a 'perching' type of fish. Not very colorful, but good personality and it will eat many forms (though not all) of algae.


    I had a pepermint and fire shrimp together with no problems - and that was in a small (29gal) tank. I don't like coral banded shrimp - too aggresive in my limited experience, but others will chime in.


    IMO, there isn't much use for pepermint shrimp unless you're trying to get rid of aptasia.

    • Like 1
  13. are those flat worms?


    Ouch - I said ignore those. Yeah. I hate those little *&$*&%%. I can't get rid of them. I've used Flatworm exit several times and it kills them off, but it doesn't get all of them. Then they just reproduce again. Plus the Flatworm Exit does a number on the corals.


    So, I've given up. I just vacuum them up when I do a water change and it keeps them in check. They are REALLY bad in that picture. Generally, as long as I keep them vacuumed they don't get too bad.


    When I upgrade in a couple months I'm going to eradicate them once and for all - one by one if I have to (threaten)

  14. Yeah, that one seems to be the sweet spot between effectiveness, cost, and availability. I've bought that in the past. I can't even remember what I've got now.


    Would be nice to find a bulk size (gallon or two), though.

  15. Yeah, definately points toward using a two fishes type reactor rather than just tossing a bag in the sump.


    I poked around a little on-line and i can't find a source for Calgon carbon. Seems to be more industrial usage.


    The bulk carbon available from Bulk Reef Supply seems to be the expensive/low effective variety...

  16. Yeah, I like the 30K, too. I'll look to pick that one up eventually. I prefer the 20K, though. I like the turquoise and the purple together.


    Now I'm after the ORA German blue polyp acro... and your fruitloop.(whistle)

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