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Everything posted by JasonH

  1. Hey, I was thinking of thinning out the frag rack a little. Thought I'd list some things I had already fragged to see what other LE frags people had. I only have a small tank so, so really just trying to collect LE frags until I get me larger tank set up. Things I have that are already fragged/healed/encrusting: Original (pink) Tyree Watermelon chalice (1 eye) GARF Purple Bonsai (accidental fragging (sad) of growth tip of my mini-colony, so a nice multi-branch shape) Tyree Sunset Monti Superman Monti (straight from THE original colony) 20K league Lokani (very small, not colored up from fragging) Tyree Pink Lemonade (just fragged - extremely small. Seriously - really, really small) Greg Hiller Aqua Delight (not fragged yet, but fraggable) I think that's about it. Give me a shout if you have something high end (SPS or LPS). I'd be happy to trade many-to-one depending on the LE frag. I'm just trying to build up my collection prior to a tank upgrade. P.S. Really looking for the ORA Green with blue polyp Acro P.P.S. MrGreenThumb, how's that Fruitloop doing..?
  2. [language filter]! I knew I should have trademarked it (laugh)
  3. Eric, well said. I give you credit for stepping up and admitting when you're wrong - something few people are willing to do. Thanks for not taking my post too negatively. I'd been a bit worried since posting it.
  4. Ah geez, I'm probably going to regret this, but my tongue hurts too much from biting it. Eric, didn't this whole thing start (regretably in hindsight, I'm sure) because you posted "True Purple Hornets" for sale on RC for $50 a polyp? Without a lineage. That turned out to not to be Purple Hornets. All that's fine, people make mistakes. But in these two threads and on RC you have agreed that the naming convention for zoos exists only to overcharge people for polyp. You've agreed that you should have lineage before posting things for sale as "True". And you have questioned the validity of someone elses PH's - saying you know what PH's look like? Seems to me that you can either be wrong and ask people to cut you some slack - or have the moral high ground. But not both. I wouldn't know a purple hornet from a pink elephant from a purple nurple (if that name doesn't exist I'm totally calling it). But before you toss stones, you should give your own walls a sound inspection - to see if they're glass. This whole thread is just a pile of wrong, and now I'm just as guilty as everyone else DOH!
  5. JasonH

    Acropora Problem??

    is it hard or soft? If you brush it, does it come off? Or is it hard like calcium deposits? From the pic, it looks kind of clear - I'm guessing soft?
  6. JasonH

    Acropora Problem??

    Shane, I can't tell you what in the heck that is - but I can tell you it isn't normal. Polyp extension still looks good, which is odd. Usually if a coral isn't happy, the polyps don't extend.
  7. Blue Steel? http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1625363
  8. DOH! I was just there! Ah well, I have sworn off zoos. I like them, but they over run other corals. Still - those are pretty enough to make me second guess the whole "no more zoos" thing.
  9. JasonH

    My Clown fish bred!

    Thanks, Eric - yeah I'm really excited. They are about 3 years old and this is the first time - so it could just be a matter of reaching maturity. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of telling my wife - and telling her that none of them would survive. So now she's sad that all the baby clowns will die. (sad) By the way - does anyone know how long it takes the eggs to hatch? I'm hoping they last long enough for my new camera to arrive so I can get pics.
  10. JasonH

    My Clown fish bred!

    Just the dime-a-dozen ocellaris.
  11. Wow - I wasn't expecting that. Was doing a routine water change tonight and noticed somehthing odd and the clown were acting ultra defensive. I took a closer look and there are eggs attached to the rock at the base of their toadstool. How cool! Sorry to post without pics but my camera finally crapped out. New one on order, but won't be here until late next week. My understanding is that they won't survive. But let me know if I should be doing anything.
  12. Heck yeah. I was just trying to track down a 20K league lokani and couldn't find one anywhere - even on-line. Cash in hand and couldn't give it away. There are several I'm still after. Having a specialist in LE corals would be awesome.
  13. If my understanding of how these works is correct, I believe the dominant fish (now the larger male) will morph into a female and the others will stay male - in groups, there will be 1 female and multiple males. But I could be wrong. So... I'm trying to figure out a way to say this so that it doesn't sound like a lecture - I'm not in a position to lecture anyone. That being said... You had a mass fish-only (thank goodness) crash and lost all your fish. A month later, you are fully (and over) stocked. I'm guessing based on the timeline that you didn't QT the new adds. DOH! Adding a full tank of fish that quickly would scare me - I'd keep a close eye on your levels to fend off a chemical spike. I hope your clown wasn't the canary in the coal mine - though you have other fish I would expect to be more delicate. But, you know enough to know what you're doing.
  14. Not that I'm taking Six Pack's side, mind you, but firefish are jumpers. Poor Six Pack could be getting railroaded by the man. Rush to judgement. If it doesn't fit, you must aquit.
  15. Wow - that does look pretty official. Although asking for the ATM pin was probably pushing it. Perry's advice is good - to always go directly to the company's URL, rather than click on the link in an email. Thanks for posting this. It was interesting to see how official this looks.
  16. A QT tank is very easy and simple to set up. Mine is a 10gal tank, a heater, and a hang-on-back filter. I don't have any filter media - just use it for water movement. As Michael mentioned, stick something in the tank that the fish can use as shelter. They will stress if they are completely in the open. I used to put coffee cups in the tank... but the wife decided that her coffee cups were no longer to be used in my fish tank...(wife) I don't even have a seperate light. Fish don't really need it. I just position the QT tank to get indirect light from the display tank. Keep an eye on the classified section, you should be able to set the whole thing up for $20-$20 bucks. It's well worth the investment. As mentioned, leaving the fish at the LFS does nothing to QT, since they are still being introduced to anything in their tanks. Keep in mind that with new wild caught fish coming in constantly to the LFS, they are constantly exposed to things - no fault of the LFS, just part of nature.
  17. Seriously, nice tank. I really need to get moving on my tank upgrade. So, how is your flame angle on the coral nipping? I would love to have one, but I just worry that they eventually get a taste for polyps. Oh yeah - WELCOME!
  18. I have to agree with the obvious and boring trend of a clown pair and lawnmower (algae) blenny - which is how my 29gal is stocked. If I could have one more fish, it would probably be a watchman goby - or a blue spot jawfish ($$).
  19. "i added a few more snails and an algae blenny..and mine loves the stuff" That does it. I'm going home tonight and beating my Algae Blenny. Eat the hair algae - eat it! (gavel)
  20. I was having a hair algae problem that was driving me crazy. I bolstered my cleaning crew. Increased the flow in my tank. And got rid of my large egg crate frag rack - which I think was limiting flow and providing a lot of surface area for the hair algae to grow. Finally, I switched my primary feeding to Rod's food - in addition to Cyclopeze and Mysis. I was feeding a frozen food from Petco (whistle) called Emerald Entree - and I think it had a lot of phosphates. Not sure if any one thing did the trick - or a combo of all four. My lights are unchanged. I still have some macro that I have to pull out every once in a while, but little/no hair algae (knock on wood - please don't curse me algae gods). I do have an Algae Blenny, but I don't think he eats hair algae.
  21. Matt Hopper - he runs (or ran?) a site called Reefready.net. The guys was a staple on RC - one of the Northern Cal reef clique. I got almost all of my corals from him. He sold my Tubs Superman Monti on his site. I'd send him 10 or 15 frags at a time and he'd just send me a box of random corals in return. He was always great to deal with and had most of the LE corals - most of them straight from the source. Anyway, apparently he ripped a bunch of folks off in deals on RC and got "moved on" from there. I'm shocked. I was just curious if anyone else knew/knew of him or had dealt with him. I guess it's not like I really knew the guy, but it still seems very weird that someone I dealt with often ended up in such a bad spot.
  22. Fakkzz, you've really whipped the tank back into shape pretty quickly. Looks good.
  23. http://www.comcast.net/articles/news-world-asia/20090407/AS.Philippines.Rare.Shark/ Rarest fish in the world - the megamouth shark - caught and eaten in the Philippines. 41 known to exist... take one down and pass it around... 40 megamouth sharks known to exist. I hope it was yummy (drooler)
  24. Interesting, just looks like a bristle worm on growth hormones. Good luck with the second.
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