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Everything posted by puntific

  1. It's very much like those in the pictures, yet the color is a bit different. He looks like he could hide well in Zoas, especially Fire and Ice... hmmm... very much like the rings...
  2. Is this guy a good guy or a bad guy? If bad, and they're in my tank, how should I fight them? Thanks, puntific
  3. I tried this and she said I could do it for my next wife... (scary)
  4. I was just getting to know him. He seemed a very gentle spirit. He'll be missed.
  5. Ack! You've raised 2000 clowns? Amazing! Can you get that many sold to local stores? Is it net cost neutral (after you bought extra tanks ect)? I think it would be fun to raise fry again. I raised cichlids a decade ago. I really enjoyed that. puntific
  6. Which LPS specifically? Acans? Chalices? Lobos? Inquiring minds want to know!
  7. So I have a great plating coral in the center of my tank that has grown to about 10 inches front to back and 8 inches wide. It's about 10 inches under the water level and creates a fair bit of shade under it. I'm looking for suggestions for corals that would grow under it, needing only indirect or no light. I do have 2x 400 wt MH so there's lots of light in the tank. What would you add? puntific
  8. 6 Bangaiis? 8? 2? How many Bangaiis can you keep in a tank? Mine's 100 gal with a GSM Clown pair, perc clown, Blue tang, and Leopard Wrasse. puntific
  9. I added Maroons to a tank (100 gal) with a Percula and all did fine. The Perc only gets about a third of the tank. YMMV. puntific
  10. puntific

    LPS ID please

    I voted Lobo before I saw any other response... honest.... no ... honest! (really). puntific
  11. LOL at me. Wow. I can't believe I didn't list this one in the poll. I'm sure that's what most of the "other" responses are... If anyone is doing something "other" other than macro... I'm still curious. Scott
  12. So all you who voted for something else entirely... What is it???? Impure, what form of carbon are you dosing if it isn't the ones listed (Vodka, sugar or Vinegar)? Or maybe you didn't vote? Edit: OK, I'm a little slow. You voted D. Too early still.
  13. I assume you meant ARN'T packed full... unless you mean it's good for the fish?
  14. Hey Jay, I agree that adding Mg this way is they way to go, but I would make one correction to what Jay said. I'm pretty sure that the amounts listed in this calculation are in weighted ounces and not fluid ounces. I've often wondered what the conversion was for Epsom salts. In the end, I just added 2 cups to my sump and that resulted in +75 in the Mg for my tank (100 gal less rocks/sand more sump...)
  15. I used to have my refugium above my tank and I had sand and macro growing in there and the pods trickled down. It seemed to work but then there were problems with getting the water up there and also having it get blocked up and leak from up there. Not good. So when I moved my sump into the basement, my fuge went down there too. Today I had to rearange everything in the basement as I didn't plan the first go well. In moving everything today I really disturbed the sand and saw just how nasty it was. The question is, should I change the sand or keep it. Is it the source of my phosphate problem? If I get rid of the sand, should I get new sand or not? If I get new sand, just what kind of critters should I put in there to keep the sand turning? Thanks a bunch, puntific
  16. I'm currently dosing with Vinegar because I make my KW with 1 T 4% acetic acid/liter.
  17. My Nitrate levels are zero but my phosphaste levels are still around .1-.2. I've been reading that phospahte levels can effect zoas a lot. How do you control your phosphate? Please give your reasons for chosing your method! If you are dosing, what are you dosing and how much? Thanks for playing!
  18. puntific

    cutting up a Fungia

    How about an update???
  19. How big are the purple haze Montipora frags?
  20. Some of mine These were called Eagle Eyes by the guy who sold them to me, but I think they might be Watermellons. What do you think? I think of the Eagle Eyes as more of a yellowish green skirt. Also, here's a Green Paly of some kind. What do you think it is? Thanks for looking!
  21. Why are we cooking the LR? Which LR are we cooking? I've got rock that hasn't been out of my tanke for 8 years. Is it raw, so to speak? puntific
  22. Thanks Jay, This is exactly what I need. My kids won't tolerate the RBTA leaving... I confess, neither will I. I just need to get more stuff growing over there. Anyone have any experience with Zoas near a RBTA?
  23. All I can say is [language filter]! Takes out the Hydno... I use Hydno to kill aptasia! Hmmm... LPS.... I wonder how a Frogspawn would do near it?
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