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Posts posted by Aerinah

  1. Hey all,


    Here are the pics/movies I've been able to get. Please let me know if there is somewhere better that I should post these?!?! Hope you all enjoy, sorry some are not the best. If anyone can improve the video/movie clips that I have please let me know!!

  2. Hi all, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for letting me join you for the last meeting at Dave's place. That was very interesting and educational for me. You definatly have a very diverse group of people, it is very nice to see. Thank you John for the copy of the Goby spawnging article it helps a lot to understand some things :)


    Thank you Dave for being open to letting the meeting happen at your place, you have a wonderful setup going. Gave me lots of ideas for the Mandarins when I'm ready to try them :D


    Also just wanted to let everyone know I'm going to start a thread on the Gobies as I see them spawning in my tank I'll try to get some pics and video's of them for everyone. They won't be very good though as our Digi camera is eh, so/so at pics/videos in my tank. But hey at least you can see them right :D


    I'll try to find an appropriate place to put it. Everone is welcome to take a look and offer any advice you may have!


    talk to you all later (hopefully at the next meeting?!)

  3. Wanted to say hello to everyone and introduce myself. I was referred here by Rose City Aquarium in Portland where I frequent. (queen)


    I've been in the saltwater hobby now for 2 years (set-up my first system Oct 05). First system was a 55g acrylic "show" tank (funky round corners). I don't believe I had the patience or knowledge then to let it actually cycle the full 6 weeks you are supposed to and started buying fish from a store that's no longer in business and they sold me about $700 worth of equipment that I didn't need for a saltwater tank with corals and fish. Purchased a bunch of corals around Jan 06 from someone who was selling their tank and moving. :rolleyes:


    After that venture, I met Woody at Seahorse Aquarium Supply who set me up with a 135g acrylic tank with stand and matching hood. I moved my 55g critters into this tank over a period of 3 weeks (live rock and sand being the first thing added to the tank live rock with corals and such being last). Lighting then was a 4' Compaq fluorescent with moonlights. My hood had 4" of clearance on the underside above the tank. I picked up a sump with a sock filter through Woody, and Steve (one of his old employees) came out and installed it for us. :D


    Through Steve we replaced our old lights and hood with a new system, and are now running 4-6' VHO lights and a very nice new hood with 10-12" clearance above the tank and room for MH should my fiancée decide to let me add them (innocent)


    Our tank is now 2 years old this month! (Happy birthday us lol) and is going rather well I'd say considering. (whistle)


    We have a good stocking in our tank right now, with a few members in the tank who will be leaving us later due to for-seen problems that could arise. Anyway, here’s a list of what we have in the tank:



    4 Green Chromis (ranging from small ¾” to large 3”)

    2 Oscelarus Clownfish (both aprox same size 2” but one is larger than the other)

    2 Heniochus (1 medium sized one small?)

    2 Bartlett’s Anthias (2f) Both same size, about 2”)

    2 Mandarin Gobies (1m/1f) male 3” female 2”) currently spawning in the tank

    1 Blue-lined Cleaner Wrasse (aprox 2”)

    1 Leopard Wrasse (2-3”)

    1 Red Choris (Choris Wrasse) (Same as leopard wrasse maybe just a hair larger) (sick)

    1 Regal Tang (Dori) (4” nose to tail?)

    1 Royal Gramma (2-3”)

    1 Yellow Tang (large one easily)

    1 Orange-spotted Shrimp Goby (3” or so)

    1 Dragon Goby (4-5”)


    Corals that I know the names of:

    2 Bubble-tip Anemones (one large pink/green, one small white w/orange foot)

    1 Long Tentacle Anemone

    4-6 stalks of Pulsing Xenia

    Hammer Coral (aka Frog Spawn)

    Lots of Zooanthid colonies (what I’ve been told they were called) (wasnt me)

    Large Button Polyps

    3 different kinds Green Star Polyps (at least they all look different)

    Gorganthid (looks like a green star but slightly different)

    2 different color mushrooms (red and green)

    Flower Pot (I think) (huh)



    1 Horseshoe Crab

    5 Emerald Crabs (1m/4f)

    1 Conch

    Several Turbo Snails, Narcissus (sp?) Snails, Margarita Snails

    1 Mystery Crab (just found him 2 days ago) He’s white with spots and a black “thumb” I’m not sure what the correct terminology is I’m sorry. Any ideas what he might be? (scary)

    2 Cleaner Shrimp

    1 Peppermint Shrimp


    I believe that is it as far as things in our tank. I’m sure we have other things in there that I have no idea about at this time. (daz)


    Hope that’s a good enough introduction… Feel free to ask any questions you’d like. You may not get an answer back but your free to ask :D;)

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