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Everything posted by Ronjunior

  1. Many hobyists know 1st hand what can happen with a change and I'll bet has helped science learn a thing or two IMO. From the books I've been reading, there are a lot of hobbyists that are involved in the sciences as well. Hopefully they've gotten corals that are endangered or threatened into the hands of hobbyists to help keep it gowing/growing for future transplantations...just like how the Bald Eagle has made its comeback. (not that we kept eagles as pets, but this is something we can raise and breed) We can all do our part, no matter how small it is to make a difference. People think their small part of conserving won't do much good, but think about all the small parts together have hurt the environment in the first place. I like to go in the ocean without worry, but I can't anymore with all the crap in the water.
  2. Would love to get something foolproof and all in one for my Wife's class someday like this if/when she gets used to this reefin with me. Prices will come down I'm sure when other mfg.'s take it up a notch.
  3. When you invite your friends' fish over for a sleepover.
  4. When the narcotics unit comes knocking down your door because your electicity usage has doubled with glow lights on late into the night and you actually start bragging about how big your reef'er is in the family room. You invite them to step over your door and come check it out, you gotta see it!
  5. Well, I hit waves at 1:00 last night and ended up with a Naso and a Kole tang. Pretty cool fish and the wife agrees. She loves the lipstick, which comes her new name of Sugarlips. Maybe if I dare, get a Red Sea Sailfin down the road. Sorry Nu2Reefn, thats 2, I can hear your teeth gritting already :(
  6. I think I saw a couple at Animal House yesterday in Milwauki, give them a call.
  7. (scratch) I suppose an easier way on the fish if there is a next time, would be to put a fishing net next to the cave and use a vacuum to suck him into the net without sucking him up the tube.
  8. Maybe I'll hook something up next to my kegarator and add another tap (drooler) (nutty)
  9. Yeah, I know, I'm not adding too many at a time. Holding off on doing any stony corals for some time. Population is small; 2 dwarf angels, 2 small damsels, 1 clown, Lawnmower blemmy, 1 coral shrimp and a few crabs/snails. Remember it's an old old tank; I brought back about 70% of the water with me and about 200 lbs of live rock that was kept under water so there hasn't really been any system shock/troubles. Everything still looks good, has no detection of ammonia nor nitrites and it's been setup in my home for about 4 weeks. I redid the sandbed around 2 1/2 weeks ago and no changes other than the diatom bloom...but I have a good idea of what caused the start of that. Figured also a tang would help the angels eat up the ugly brown algae as well.
  10. Yeah, I love the Naso. The Chevron is pretty cool looking too. A Foxface Rabbitfish looks cute. Anyone put more than one tang in the same aquarium without troubles? I have 2 dwarf angelfish, a Coral Beauty and adopted a Lemonpeel that needed a home and they get along pretty well. I would like to adopt more fish that need a home, but I'd like to at least pick out 1 tang; there are so many to choose from unless some can cohabitate.
  11. I've been wanting to get a tang and researching for one that is easy to keep, but attractive and doesn't have a movie character named after it. I thought a Nano, but a 125g long seems a bit small for their large 18" size. I wanted a Powder Brown, but research shows they often don't last over 3 months and don't want that. I'm thinking a White Faced Tang (Acanthurus japonicus) would be good or what I think is pretty and Wife says is gorgeous, is the Red Sea Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma desjardini). Anyone have experience with the last two and know of their character in the aquarium; do they swim around a lot or just hide like my dwarf angels? I know Waves is getting a bunch of Hawaiin tangs in at a good price, but I want to make sure I get one that I want, rather that what's in since they don't cohabitate well with other tangs....however, it is tempting with the sale prices. Maybe someone else has these fish coming in around PDX.
  12. But just think of all the great conversations that would go on around the Saltwater Cooler.
  13. Yes, Impure is correct, but some people are scared off with their info being collected. Maybe that is why people don't want to put what city they're from on the members info. If it's blocked as my suggestion above, that info wouldn't be collected, search engines see the universal command and have to follow it....or shall I say not follow it Personally, I could care less, I already have a website of my own out there, but am careful about what personal info I put on it. I can google ronjunior and this website and I get hits, but it doesn't bother me....I'm not hiding from the law, it's not worth it.(scary)
  14. Bug your local Petsmart fish manager about getting larger buckets in. I've noticed that many don't have saltwater stuff, but some do. (doesn't make sense to be completely different) Maybe if they hear people want to buy everything in larger quanitities like their small Kent 8oz products and 26lb Oceanic, maybe they'd start bringing them in.
  15. Been buying Coralife and everything seems good so far. I was upset that that salinity was taking more than called for until Patrick set me straight on my hydrometer being a bit off! Plus, got a free t-shirt in the bucket Seems to disolve fairly quickly too.
  16. Wanting to know if poeple have used the API Aquarium Pharmaceuticals or Instant Ocean test kits and have they been fairly reliable. The other brand, Salifert is a little rich for my blood at this point.
  17. Walmart sells corals? To the other guy;;;;;; ah never mind about swallowing. The missing the woman, now that's funny right there!
  18. Maybe we should start a AAA support group. Aquascape Addicts Annonymous.
  19. Whoever runs this site can create a file that tells spiders to not search and follow certain folders/links etc. Need to make a robots.txt file. Here is what I have in a NASCAR site I run for the robots.txt file under the main public http folder. User-Agent: * Allow: / Disallow: /cgi-bin the * tells all search engines to not follow/search the cgi-bin. (can specify certain search engines if needing to, but why bother in this case, I don't want any in there) You can add the Disallow: / command line for more folders you dont want to be searched, just add a line below the other dissalow like Disallow: /cgi-bin Disallow: /memberlist (or whatever folder is used specifically, etc., etc.)
  20. When you steal your wife's tweasers for late night worm extraction expeditions, get yelled at for not returning them, then to go take them again an hour later once she's fallen asleep. (a true story last night)(laugh)
  21. Just be careful with mixing oil based products with waterbase.... Look at what you used before buying a clear finish or you many end up starting over again. If your stand is painted already, call the mfg. of it and ask what type of paint they used....if it's made for aquariums and painted by the mfg., it probably doesn't need a finish anyway.
  22. Anyone have any 2/twin spot gobys that bred and are wanting to sell offspring cheap? I have a coupon for buy 1 get 1 fish free at Hollywood, but saving that for my birthday present of a Powder Brown Tang.
  23. I just threw in another ph. Who has extremely cheap prices on snails and algae eating crabs around PDX area. I have a lawnmower blenny, but I haven't seen him eat anything. I've seen stores down south have reasonable prices, but too far of a drive.
  24. I ended up with white Quikcrete commercial 100 pound bag of (supposed 100% silica sand as per their support guy). Yeah, after heating my kept rock and replacing the substrate, looks like this is going to act somewhat like a new setup. (was existing for years when I bought/brought it home). Though keeping my fingers crossed, the nitrites and ammonia keep staying at 0....they have for the 3-4 weeks I've had this resetup with fish and softies. The Coral Beauty and Lemonpeel dwarf angels seem to be enjoying the feast.
  25. Reading stuff about this diatom bloom, it won't just go away by itself. I did read that 6500k bulbs can cause an increase, so I did remove the daylight bulb I was using and left the 2 actinic and 1 50/50. The bloom did seem to bump a bit when I started using that daylight bulb. I need to find some 110W 10000k 48 or 46 inch bulbs I guess. Someone here has some used, but don't know if they wear out as fast as actinic bulbs or not. The article I read blamed some on using silica sand.....arghhh.... I just changed to this as well. I'm slowing doing some water changes to fix salinity, but just did a major water change last week when I put in the silica sand.
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