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Queen Angel

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Posts posted by Queen Angel

  1. Doesn't it figure...


    Last weekend when I went down there to Jason's to meet someone I bought something from .. I had it in the back of my truck. I had never been to Jason's, so I thought what the heck. If I only knew I could of left it there.


    Maybe we can come up with a something..



  2. Dead Rock


    Only if Squid doesnt want your rock...


    I would be interested in it, if you still would like to sell it. I have a 220 I just set up and need more rock. Was going to buy some of that marco rock.




  3. I have a 6" tall oak canopy that I had for my 55 gallon for sale ..$25.00. It is too short for metal halides, but fine for ??. The sticker on the inside says 48" Elite Oak Canopy by R & J Enterprises. The whole top is hinged and lifts up. It doesnt have any doors made into it.


    I would trade for dry rock or a piece of live rock or mmmmmmmmmmm.......




  4. Alright Ron,


    I dont believe I said I 'liked' to smell it, I think I just said I smell it. The reason I smell it is to see how strong of smell it is, then I know my skimmer is working good. Of course usually the darkness of it alone will tell you that its working I think.


    I was called a hardcore woman for doing it! I think it was hardcore just to admit it!


    Some where either on this forum or RC, there was a thread on what people admitted they do with their tanks, was pretty funny and gross at the same time.


    Good idea on the Amquel! I have that just in case.

  5. From beginning to end of this thread.. it went from dreary outcome to alot of promise.


    I hope everything is coming along and you have a good recovery.


    I got teary eyed reading this thread...


    I will stay away from clipping a fan on my sump, you have taught us a very important lesson.


    On a funny note.. I have one of those clip on fans on my headboard above my head.. alot of people would say it wouldnt hurt anything if it fell on my head!



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