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Everything posted by CCR

  1. It's a BOY!!!!!! congrad!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Well this has been an interesting thread. I would like to see a video camera setup, before you turn it on for the 1st time. Just for the record. It seems this thread is split in opinions. It's at the point now, when your done, That your either going to suceed (and really, no one wants a disaster) or your gona need a lot of rags, and a huge shop vac, and possibly a net for flying fish!!!. But really, with 5 pages here. Why not document, either way, we will all learn from it. Good Luck. I will be starting a 210 soon, and I want to approch it compleatly differently from my others. So I am interested in the results. Again Good Luck
  3. I'm wondering if "I may get it" is a good thing, or a bad thing LOL. Heck, I'de do it, just to see.LOL(scratch)
  4. CCR


    well no one even commentet on mine. so I'm out.
  5. CCR

    Zoo/Zoa ?

    zoo, zoos, zoa,zzzzz, all the same, except you and use zzzzzzz, for sleepin toooo!!!!!
  6. That's what they use at the sportsman show
  7. CCR

    free Ipod?

    filthy bas&*^ds, wanting direct deposit. OR, anyone got an extra ten grand for 3 months??????LOL
  8. I would go with the Pipe!!!!!!!!!!!!!(scary) (scary) (scary) (scary) (clap) (clap) And I'm liking the electomagnetis idea, calling junk yards now!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. OK riddle me this!!!! how are you gona put them on the sides..""" I want them for the ability to hang cool decent size stuff off the walls of my tanks without epoxy and damage to the acrylic walls........""" I get the idea of going nuts and re scaping all the time. Oh honey, how does it look here? no over here? what about here? I would NEVER be done!!!! I would have a chess game goin all the time, as my wife would be calling the loony wagen on me. If your going to use the mags through the walls, are they strong enough to hold and not slide? really screwing up the walls!, maybe felt on the outside, between the mag, maybe a bigger mag one the outside, to have more force, to hold the smaller one inside. Then again. what about electromagnetic power for the hole reef!!!!!! You could really have a show, flip a switch and have the hole thing hover!!!!! Dang You!
  10. ok cool , there was only so much talking to myself that i could handle!!!!!! Got in a fight, beat my self up!!!!! It was hell i tell ya, pure hell!!!!!!!!!
  11. PM makes a great one and so does Pacific coast, Ya not goin to need A huge one, but ya know how it is, plan for the future, so you only buy one. there really isn't that much to em. I have had my PM for almost 5 years, and no problems, just media replacement!!! SHOP FOR IT
  12. #1 either remove rock and drill it, orbreak down, the plug, or remove (clip or cut) from plug #2 not sure why #3 if using the 2 part "log" putty, nead it really well. I add super glue to it. #4 I onlu use BSI gel, it works really well, but you do have to get use to using it. Keep moving the frag piece around on the stop you want it to stay, if is on coraline, it's harger to stick from the slime. #5 I'm surpirsed the Hermits arn't working on it. #6 Nope. A Kent metal blade scraper works really well and fast. ON GLASS ONLY!!!! Another trick you can do with the float is to rap it with wedding vail, or just take a hunk of it like a dish pad sice of it in your hand and use it straight. It will work on acrilic to. Vail is really cheep, fabric store, or from someone getting divorsed, just kidding
  13. Yup, same for me URI are the best, most proven, only one I use, and will work perfectly with 660. Now MH 15 or 20k XM
  14. Glad ya went by there!!! Told ya! Start reading, ask us a bucket load of questions. It isn't hard,just takes patience. And your going to need to carry them!!!! As you know, there isn't ANY over there. As discussed, It what your going after. To set yourselves apart
  15. well witch one do you want us to post to????? then we can answer!!!!!!!!!
  16. if the main body of the tank is 24, and the strech on each side is 4" I would think you'll be fine. Ther will be some bleed over
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