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Posts posted by 180Brandy

  1. Hello and welcome to the forum! Be sure to show us some pictures of the progress of your tank. Now is the time to think of how you would do things differently and learn from past mistakes. Show and tell is highly recommended around here!!!!

  2. Lots of good info Thank you all so much!!!!

    I want one so I can go for long hikes, bike ride, etc...

    light weight is good. a decent battery charge would be great. I would like to have the shuffle option. Good quality sound is key.

  3. I am all for getting to choose your own "title" and having a bigger avitar after posting a certain amount. Of course, membership should have its perks...




    PS...can I be Queen of Everything? Oh, wait, I already am :)









    You should make this your signature lol

  4. I have two 20 gallon tanks just sitting collecting dust. You are more than welcome to them. They were donated a while back for the tanks for teachers program. If you attend the next meeting which is in Salem I can bring them.


    Also Ryan if you join the wiki site because you are a teacher your pnwmas membership will be free.



    Submit a application to the officers/bods of PNWMAS. Application is found on wiki site or there is a thread here now how to get started. The other officers and BODs and I would review your application if accepted we could hook you up with a really nice all in one tank. Catch is you have to sign up with wiki and post progress reports at least once a month if not more. Tell us about how you are using the tank to educate the kids. Pictures, video, i reports etc.... are always welcome. Even a simple write up will work.


    Glad to see you back

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