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Posts posted by 180Brandy

  1. Have you seen any good movies as of late? I sure have! Today I went to see Star Trek pretty good movie I give it a solid B+.


    Does anyone have any recommendations for another movie?????

    No horror please

  2. Have you wished your Mom a Happy Mother's Day yet? If not you should!!!



    Mom's are under appreciated, its often a thankless job!!!



    So I say Happy Mother's day to all the Moms and keep up the great work that you do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  3. Some of the best advice I can give is one make sure your tank is established before getting a clam. By this I mean if your tank is new wait at least 8 months or more so your tank can settle down. Next make sure your calcium levels are between 400 and 450. 440 is a good target range. Then find out what the clams needs are certain clams like to be in the sand others like to be in the rocks.

    I also believe that you had way to much ammonia in your tank. It should be 0. When clams are under 4 inches you have to hand feed them. Usually with a turkey baster.


    So sorry for your loss. I do hope you get another clam in the future!!!!

  4. Try feeding it. I know that you have to hand feed clams that are under four inches. Once they get bigger then Usually the lighting you have should be enough. Has your clam attached it's self in the sand? Also what is your mag levels? Also your calcium levels are on the high side. Your calcium levels should be between 400 and 450.

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