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Posts posted by cyenna

  1. Thanks! This is a belated response but: The move went okay, I ended up having to go back a few more times to transfer all my stuff. However, now I miss my fishes. I went to Aquaticus yesterday because it was right next to the gym and saw a pair of True Perculas that looked beautiful. Aquaticus was never my first choice for fish stores but this time I was impressed with the selection and how healthy a lot of the things looked. I did a price check on salt and other things and it brought me back to why I shouldn't go back into the hobby...


    Anyway, Jordan! I will come visit you someday soon! We shall discuss Lost and the babysitting of your child. :)

  2. Suppose I should clarify my statement.


    I am by no means endorsing, encouraging, or recommending using this in your SW or Reef tank. Simply stating that it will kill FW Cyanobacteria.


    I'm glad you clarified that. I was thinking that if you put this in your tank it would change the pH level and who knows what else! (laugh)

  3. thank you all for the suggestions.


    im sorry you had such a traumatic experience in tualatin, mike...and yenna...i dont think the hour and a half commute to corvallis would do me much good at saving money, but i definitely appreciate the offer...



    Yes, very true - except now I'm in Portland :p

  4. hey Karl!

    Your tank looks great! It's too bad I'm not still in Corvallis so we can trade and chat. Your girlfriend had a really nice freshwater set up but i'm glad she's getting interested in saltwater now! That frogspawn looks like it grew 100x bigger since i last saw it. Looking good! (clap)

  5. TWO ten gallon AGA tanks, one with sand but no water and another with gravel previously used for freshwater. $10 for both OBO (they need to be cleaned)


    ONE 2.5 gallon AGA, black trim also needs to be cleaned. $2.50


    You come pick up!


    I also have a refrigerator, an extendable dining room wood? table and a really big white desk for sale. If interested, shoot me a PM!

  6. By the way, I haven't seen any bodies that seemed stressed ( white dots, etc.) but just this morning my diamond gobie, had quite a kink in his back.




    That is an interesting "symptom" and sounds like a sign of predation. To my knowledge, a kink in a fish spine is usually an indicator of a genetic defect and in that case, you probably would have noticed it earlier... maybe your gobie escaped from a mantis shrimp? I had a tiny mantis shrimp, maybe half inch big that did nothing but scurry here and there but they vary in size and are very fast. Could be one in your tank getting hungry? I like this link for mantis shrimp: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/arthropoda/crustacea/malacostraca/eumalacostraca/royslist/


    Good luck!

  7. My mom (in Germany) has a beautiful pond with no electricity and lots of plants. No fish, though.

    But she spends a lot of time on it, fishing out leaves and generally keeping it clean, pruning the plants etc.

    She added some snails, too, IIRC.

    It's her pride and joy and shows it.


    We tried one of those little preformed ponds a few years ago, but the raccoons completely ruined it, jumping in every night and digging out all the plants.


    how deep was your pond? was it at least 2.5ft deep?


    The deepest part of my pond is 3 feet deep. It is about 6 feet in diameter and under evergreens. I plan on minimal upkeep, first, i'll toss in some anacharis (does anyone have any?) then i'll go to a local pond and scoop up some duckweed and whatever else i can find...:D .

  8. is that all? My pond will be in a semi shaded area and I plan on many plants like anacharis (Sp?) and hyacinths to take up nutrients that normally promote algae growth. I was more concerned about the fish but I don't plan on having many goldfish (comets, not koi) unless they decide to spawn but in that case, I guess I wouldn't have to change anything. :)

  9. uh oh. is a water pump and filter absolutely necessary? I don't really want to deal with any electricity... i had thought the plants would take care of nutrients and stuff, what with this being a freshwater project. Plus, it's supposed to be a pond, do ponds in nature have a lot of current?

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