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Posts posted by cyenna

  1. okay, so Jack scorned Juliet for Kate but Kate scorned Jack for Swayer who scorned Kate for Juliet.


    Of course Ben didn't die but interesting to learn that the smoke monster has a bigger role with The Others. Richard Alpert also explained why Ben didn't remember any of the survivors in the future because the smoke monster makes people forget and lose their innocence and that's how future Ben is able to commit patricide in the killing of the Dharma Initiative (maybe he did it unknowingly since he had no memories). So maybe Ben isn't as creepy mean as originally thought.


    I hope Miles and Hurley become good buddies.


    Was that older Claire at the supermarket or just someone who resembled her to scare Kate?

  2. Hey,

    So I did the super embarrassing thing of bumping my passenger side view mirror on a telephone pole that was (in my defense) way too close to the curb. It looks like just the trimming and the mirror need to be replaced.... I also have a mysterious dent that appeared after the neighborhood kids finished playing baseball... Anyway, can anyone recommend a good auto body shop?

  3. desmond is 108? did i miss something?


    yenna, are you suggesting that the island is constantly moving through time? even before ben turned the wheel? danielle certainly didnt seem to notice when jin was under obvious stress during the switch...


    ok, more smoke monster and more jacob. please.


    I agree about the smoke monster - gruesomely pleasant to have smokey back. Although this time, the machine noise was much pronounced, I thought. Interesting.


    Anyway, i'm suggesting the the island is constantly in a time LOOP. 108 minutes/days/hours/whatevers....When Ben turned the wheel he moved the island literally and timelinely-ey (?). When Desmund was punching in the code, he was possibly re-setting the clock. Maybe before the H-bomb went off??!?!!?


    I thought about the Danielle and Jin thing and mulled it over with friends and none of us can remember if Jin and Danielle had that much contact in present day so Danielle never had the deja vu with him.


    it's so good to be talking theories, I feel like last season wasn't as fun.

  4. Thanks Jordan - that was great.


    The woman at the church is Daniel's mom!!! What! Charlotte's been on the island before as a child! What! Is Jack's dad really Jacob? Was the wheel broken because of Ben or was that before Ben? Hmmmmmmmm.


    Okay, Okay, recap.


    So if you get pregnant off the island and come to the island, the females are able to have the baby (Claire). However, you can get pregnant on the island (Sun) but you cannot have babies on the island if this was when/where you got pregnant (The Other's females). The reason you can't have babies on the island is because time is being set backwards ( Desmond's 108). So, if this is true then why was Claire able to have her baby? Shouldn't she have stayed pregnant indefinitely? And when Sun got off the island and was able to have her child, wouldn't it have been an extended pregnancy because the fetus was underdeveloped in the womb on the island?! DOH!(nutty)

  5. Lost is on tonight! Last week I thought for sure Sun had gone to the dark side and was the one who hired the lawyer. Lost is entertaining but I had no idea the drama that was unfolding here at Pnwmas with certain member(s?). Anyway, Sayid seems to be indifferent about...life so why does he want to go back to the island? Is he with Ben or with good (Hurley)? (scary)

  6. Posted this ad up on craigslist but maybe someone here is interested.


    I have 2 tickets in section 208 row M for seats 1 and 2 (aisle seats) $100 TOTAL. face value. cash only please!


    They're email tickets so I can send them to anyone anywhere at anytime. I will forward you the original email from comcast sports with the receipt so it'll feel less sketch. :) Also, I have positive feedback from selling fish stuff at this website if you want to check.


    The game is on 3/4 for Blazers vs. Pacers at the rose Garden at 7:00pm.


    My cell is:



    Thanks for looking!

  7. I just saw the clip of flashback of Richard in Locke's childhood where he places the items in front of Locke. That is very interesting considering he is the new "Chosen One". The "test" is similar to what I would imagine how the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama is determined. Anyway, it was a click moment. Sorry if this has already been hashed out considering it was in a fourth season episode. DOH!

  8. Apparently, I missed way too much from last season. The recap showed a bunch of stuff I don't remember... Anyway, my favorite part went something like this:


    Richard: Here, take this.

    Locke: What is it?

    Richard: It's a compass.

    Locke: What does it do?

    Richard gives him a funny look: It tells north. (laugh)

  9. Took the boat ride at the lake, it was amazing. We learned lots of interesting things! Here are just a few pics.



    [ATTACH]2951[/ATTACH]This is where the lake is most shallow.



    The safari was not too bad!



    [ATTACH]2953[/ATTACH] This guy was pecking at my windshield wiper.








  10. Not sure if I should be posting here or in "Member/Vendor Feedback" ... but since I'm asking and not giving feedback, I'll post here.


    I've been looking around for an affordable RO/DI unit, and came across this one. It claims 100 gpd for only $169. I can't find a name-brand for it ... thinking it's someone selling their hobby. Does anyone have any experience/opinions?




    There's probably tons of info on him at reefcentral. I think he's pretty big over there. I was looking at the same unit too.

  11. i'm way out of the hobby now so I'm not sure about this....will my stuff sell if i part things out? $60 sump + heater, $20 stand + pipes?, $20 15g drilled tank? autofill goes somewhere - prolly with sump? someone let me know if these numbers/combos are unreasonable. .

  12. I found this cat at work - everyone's convinced someone abandoned him in our parking lot. He's probably about 6 months old. I took him to get neutered at a discount (since he was a stray) so someone would adopt him. I do not want to adopt him because 1) I'm not financially able 2) I'm not emotionally willing. Honestly, I don't even really like cats but I didn't want this cat to suffer or anything like that.


    I was going to take him to get neutered and get him adopted and that was that. But after his neutering he picked up an upper respiratory infection so I had to take him back to the vet and charge my credit card. The infection is gone but he has/had ear mites. We're still treating him for ear mites but we're almost done. He's been de-flead and has had the FIV/lukemia vaccination.


    He's probably best as an indoor cat - my worry with becoming an indoor outdoor cat is that he may wander off and find the next human that pets him. Although if you let him out to go potty or something, I'm sure he'd come right back. He is litter box trained. He likes to coo and really loves rubbing up against you. He is such a people-loving cat that he'd be fine with children (in fact, would love them). He is very careful about not clawing furniture and people although sometimes you have to remind him. He is young and really smart so if you wanted to train him out of any habits you can. One "habit" he has is he likes to walk between people's feet and we're currently trying to teach him not to but it's hard because he likes being so affectionate.


    I've already spent over $200 on this cat that I don't even want but I really want him to find a good home because he is a living being. He will come with kitty litter, litter box, mousy toys, left-over food (wet and dry), kitty towel, scratching post, water bowl, and anything else I have that's kitty related. He is FREE to a loving home.





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