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Posts posted by Randy-S

  1. Is the cost of a coral always just hype or can a coral be worth $50. or $100 per frag? Example is the Oregon Tort. Even if you do not know the name or hype behind the coral it is still one of the best looking corals in any tank, and IMO worth the $50. to have it.


    Don't get me wrong I think Tyree LE is the biggest Rip on the net, just for the fact he is really not a frag farmer but a chop shop.


    Hard to get corals will always demand a high price are they worth it? depends on you. I posted pics of PD Palys in another thread. Those are selling for $50+ per polyp are they worth it?

    Could you go buy a whole rock of avg zoas from a LFS for less? yes. Will you find these in your LFS zoa tank I don't think so. Are they worth $50 depends on you.

    I would never and I mean never drop $600.00 for a iphone Why I don't see the value. On the other hand I would drop $1000 for a skimmer for my tank. Go figure.

    One last thought its also tough to discuss cost of goods and demand among a population when the population being compared are not equal. One person being compared may make 80k a year with no kids and has a lot of extra income to that person $500.00 is not much money. If you have a family of four and only make 25k its a different world.


    just my .02

  2. I think its been over a year since the club had Tyree as a speaker. Of course when he came up he brought a lot of frags with him. So lets see what happen to them any one got pics of there Tyree LE corals?


    I only purchased one coral from him the not so purple monster. For my $100.00 he gave me a sliver I would say 1/4" brown frag. here it is a year or so later. its not the show coral I was hoping for yet but, its getting better.


    So lets see them... SHOW ME YOUR LE's!!!!


    Sorry about the crappy pics its hard to photo its deep in my tank.





  3. Bravo for pointing out how dumb people are, on our board. Another great post Piero.


    probably for the sump, but it's shocking to me how many people didn't learn in school:


    'your' is not the same as 'you're'

    'there' is no the same as 'their' or even 'they're'

    'our' is not the same as 'are'

    'to' is not the same as 'two' or 'too'

  4. well my livestock supplier thread has turned into another trade reform debate....I'm stayin out of this round, but it's still interesting. I like the 'we have the recipe bu the cooks don't know how to cook" metaphore.


    When over half your posts are critical of the hobby you wonder why they turn into heated debates or why people get fustrated with you.??? Funny.

  5. I run a PM XL on my reef and my pci70 just went t!ts up on me. i need to replace the pump so I can go buy one or I do have a sequence dart am not using.


    The problem with the dart is two fold one its not pressure rated, but it does move three times the water then the pci 70 and two the bulkhead feeding the pci70 is smaller then the dart intake so if i did swap them the dart would have a reduce intake feed ingthe pump. Any comments?


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