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Posts posted by ringwurm

  1. I had a little incident happen a week or so ago that I thought I should share. That way if it happens to you it might ease the worries a bit.


    I came home from work and had noticed the float valve that runs my topoff was out of the water a bit. The topoff water runs through my Kalk reactor so I figured it must have plugged up the valve. I ended up wiggling the float valve and saw that water was starting to flow again. What I didn't count on was the valve getting stuck in the open position later that evening. A couple hours later I went and glanced at the tank and it looked like this.




    AAAAAAAAAAAAAH.. I freaked out a bit. I went out to the sump and saw that the water level was a good 5 inches above the float valve! I remembered reading something about calcium precipitating when it reached a certain level so I went to check reefcentral real quick.


    I found this article which gave me a little hope.



    It basically says it is ok and will not really harm thing as long as you can get your PH in check. My ph had hot up to 9.1 so I added about 50 gallons of fresh saltwater to the sump so help dilute things. The ph slowly came back down to normal over a couple hours. I thought for sure I was going to wake up the next morning to a dead tank...


    The next day the lights came on and it looked almost normal again. The only difference was a small amount of white residue on some of the rocks which has finally dissappeared.


    As you can see everybody is happy and healthy.





  2. The top and two sides are 4 mil plastic while the long side is doubled up 1 mil. Humidity is running about 90%.


    I did pick up a Vornado VH2 Vortex Heater for those extra cold days this winter. The Vornado heater doesn't get red hot like the other heaters and has a built-in thermostat.


    My daughter loves the new greenhouse. Whenever we go out to the garage she runs in and giggles at me until I pop my head through the door.

  3. I am not cooking drugs but is sure does look like it. lol.


    I encased one entire stall of my garage in a greenhouse so my tanks will stay warm. When the garage gets cold I can have 1000+ watts of heat going in the sump and the temp will still drop too low. Making the little greenhouse keeps the ambient air warm enough for 400w of heaters to keep 500+ gallons of water right at 78 degrees.


    The glowing greenhouse in your garage does get a few strange looks.


    Here is a view from the outside.







    Inside shots






  4. I picked up a 20k 400w radium from Upscales to replace a 10k EVC bulb. Its very crisp white-blue and is very bright. I have its as the center bulb with a 20k xm's on either side. The xm's have a really nice color but are not as bright as the radium.


    Nice bulb and only $85 from Upscales w/ our club discount.

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