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Posts posted by Twitterbait

  1. Let me be clear, while i did vote mccain, i don't really like either of the options this year. but m logic and hope was thus:


    if mccain won he would not have had a republican congress so he and congress would cancel each other out and nothing but the most important legislation would make it through.


    instead we have Obama and who knows what he is planning. I don't see how he is going to do half of the stuff he promised without doubling the national debt. now he has a free ticket. the only hope we have is that his lack of experience with the system will keep him from doing too much damage.


    i still get the feeling that in the end he is going to be a puppet and nothing more. and that is the scariest thought of all...

    Obama = Pelosi's **tch

  2. If it is important then you may want to pay for a good lawyer rather than look for a cheap lawyer. Last i heard my lawyer asks for an initial $60 for the first discussion, they do pro bono if the case has merit and the opposition has assets. I will PM you his contact info.

  3. Unfortunetly.... I am not joyful at all. now one party with a history of raising taxes has control of this nation. maybe i will move to Iran where it will be safer after our new president goes through his national security test. In case Obama doesn't know... Iran is that big country next to the smaller country where he has troops.


    thats my feelings on this. i guess we wait to see if i am wrong.

  4. Keep in mind the best part of the bubblemaster is the red dragon pump. the red dragon pumps are expensive because they have a propeller shaft made out of special material that is super hard and strongly resistant to scoring or damage. they us much less energy for the same GPH plus they run much cooler. they are made by the same company in germany that makes Tunze.

  5. I am looking for a few tanks for family and friends.


    I need a 60-75 gallon glass or acrylic, deep tank with the 4' footprint. no stand needed. this will be for FW so no drilling or mods needed.


    I need a 50 gallon or smaller for a friend, may be interested in a smaller tank or a different shape (hex, etc...). this will need to come with a stand. for FW so no drilling or mods.


    please send me a PM or e-mail


  6. A friend of mine gets medical shipments in these containers all the time and so i have easy access for anyone wo needs one, the inside dimensions are 7" deep 8" long 6" wide


    these would be great for shipping 1-3 items depending on the size. they don't come with any box on the outside so you may want to get one. these also make great fish/coral transports/movers. if you want some let me know, i currently have 8 but can get more. send me a pm for info.


    FREE first come first served (corals accepted too but not necessary):D

  7. When you spend more money taking care of your fish... than taking care of your girlfriend/wife


    when your fish eat better than you do


    when you have to put on pants before walking in front of the tank because "the fish are watching"


    you cringe every time you hear "Nemo"


    your wife/girlfriend stops putting on makeup because "you never seem to look at anything but the tank anyway"

  8. IMO cats are the most worthless PIA critters on the face of the planet... then again i am allergic so i am biased. if you want to get rid of a cat then you could always develop an "allergy" to the cat which would necissitate its removal :D

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