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Posts posted by R-3

  1. A 2' cube is what I really wanted at first. Then some of the prices I saw scared me, LOL. Then I saw the 37's for $100. Now since they are pretty much gone Ive decided to fork over the money and go ahead and get a 2' cube!! I know I would definately be a lot happier with it. More sump options too! Later Ryan

  2. Okay since the 37 Oceanic's are pretty much gone Im gonna concentrate on a 2' cube. I really really want one! Anyone who knows were to get one let me know. Im looking for glass but if the right deal came along in acylic then I would do it. I guess I should have jumped on the ones Joel had. Well at least someone in the club got em (Popeil) (laugh) Later Ryan

  3. I think you would be able to keep any type of coral you want with the 250 and the T5's. Thats a lot of light for a little 21G. Maybe just run the T5's? If your just gonna do softies and such. But if ya wanna do it all go for the 250 and T5's. I mightbe concerned with the heat though from the 250 in a 21G. Later Ryan

  4. Welcome aboard! There is a wealth of knowledge to be had from the people that use this site. Remember to take it slow and easy (like you have been) and have fun. Ohh and ask LOTS of questions. Later Ryan

  5. Ive heard of a lot of people switching over to the XM 20ks that used to use Radiums. I think the colors are realtively close from what I have seen. I think $ might be an issue in this but who knows why exactly. You also can run a XM off a probe and I dont think you can run a Radium off one. Later Ryan

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