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Posts posted by SeanF

  1. To the best of my knowledge the only thing that will really work besides the Flatworm exit is a velvet nudibranch. They only feed on flatworms. I have heard stories of other things eating them but you never hear about them taking care of all the flatworms in the tank. My guess is that they go over and nip at a couple of them and that is about that. For awhile there there were even wholesalers out there claiming that yellow tailed damsels ate flatworms. If you are really opposed to the chemical method I would definately recommend finding some of the velvet nudibranchs rather than spending that money on things that are probably not going to take care of the problem. Now if you want those other things in your tank it wouldn't hurt to buy them but I definately wouldn't expect them to take care of the problem.

  2. It really comes down to what you want to do with the camera. Point and Shoot cameras are nice and you can get some nice shots with them but they are definately not as versatile as a Digital SLR camera. So just balance how much you want to spend versus what you want to do with it. I have heard that the Nikon D40 DSLR is also a very nice camera at a fraction of the price of the D80. Most of the reason why I bought a D80 is mostly for non tank related pictures. That and I figure I won't need to buy another camera for a long time. Not to say that they won't come out with a newer camera with more features but this one will do everything I want and more.

  3. Well they aren't reef related because I am in LA now but couldn't resist playing with my new toy from my 7th floor hotel room overlooking the city. I didn't clean the glass on my tanks before I left for LA so I do have any in tank shot but should have some good shots from the wholesalers when I get back.


    Keep in mind we are about 20 or more miles outside of dowtown LA where these buildings in the photo were taken. I had to shrink them down a lot so that people weren't downloading the pics forever.




    And the same shot basically at night




    Here is a sunset shot if you look in the lower right corner you see the same buildings without being zoomed in.



    One more of a different part of the city at night.



    And finally a shot of one of the fountains at our hotel visable from the room.



    I like it. I am by no means a photographer but was able to pick up this camera and with a little reading take some nice shots.


    Ohh I forgot to mention that these were shot with my new Nikon D80 with a 70-300mm APO Sigma Lens.

  4. It went well I thought other than the pizza situation. I ordered the pizza at 12:15 and when left sometime after 2 there was still no pizza. Sorry everyone for the food situation I just had no idea that it would take hours to get a couple of pizzas.

  5. If you can get me there number I will probably just have it delivered to the school that way I don't get lost. How many people are going to be there? I am a little low on my zoos right now. I will have to mapquest my way to the school again. Besides the school the farthest I have made it into albany is the fast food places by the freeway.

  6. Well I did it broke down and ordered the camera. It will be here on Tuesday so then I get to start playing around with it. Found a great deal on it on E-bay and decided to upgrade to a high speed memory card hopefully that wasn't a waste of money but I want to be able to do things with it besides just shooting coral pics although that is how I justified spending the money on the thing in the first place.

  7. Fred Meyers gets there shipments on Fridays and if you can go by in the morning they get them almost every week. That is how I got mine. There were sites online that said when the major stores were getting their shipments and they always put them out on Sunday but I found out they come through Fed Ex or UPS or one of those companies which means they are obviously delivered during the week and then I found out that Fred Meyers puts theirs out when they get them and that is usually on Friday morning.


    Mario Kart 64 is available for the virtual console now.


    The only one of the games that you mentioned Miles that is available for download right now is Super Mario Bros. If you go to wii.nintendo.com it has a list of all the games that are available right now. They just released Donkey Kong Country this week. I haven't downloaded it yet but have both the old Zelda games, Super Mario Bros, Mario 64, Street Fighter, Sonic, Dr Robotnik(It is a cool tetris like game) and a few more. The only other game I have bought that wasn't downloaded was Wii Play which just came out and comes with another controller free in the box. It was about the only way I could find another controller for the thing. I think I end up playing on the thing almost as much as I work nowadays.

  8. Ok if anyone out there knows about lenses I think I am going to bite the bullet and get myself a Nikon D80. I know I am going to be getting a couple of different lenses with it but I was wondering about the brands. The cheapest lens available for it is the Sigma which I hadn't heard of before the next step they have is a tamaron lens which I have used on a film camera with good results or there is the nikon lenses which are the most expensive. I mean it is only around $100 in difference but if I can save $100 and still get great photos I will say it is worth it but if they just aren't the same quality I will spend the extra and get the best.

  9. I put it right on my racks of the fish tanks but I doubt many people have noticed it just because when most people go to the store they are to busy looking at all the pretty stuff and tend to overlook everything else. I do think business cards to give out would be a good idea as I usually end up writing the link to the website on the back of my business cards to give out. It is just going to take awhile. There are plenty of Aquarium addicted people out there and they will eventually find the club and even though I know a lot of people on here are banned from RC it might be a good idea to put up a club message board on there also just for visibility.

  10. Well I have pointed many people in the direction of the club and have the flyers up in my store and I personally like educated customers. Educated customers tend to be long term customers. People that know what they are doing generally keep their tanks long term and therefore are long term customers. I mean I know that there are going to be trades that go on and obviously a lot of equipment will be purchased on the internet but in my opinion that is going to happen and there is nothing that we as stores can do about it. We have to make our money where we can and not worry about not making money where there is no margin. I know there are several individuals up in Portland that are selling on the internet which obviously hurts the stores up there but usually those people will eventually go by the wayside. It is just like any thing else if you are in business there will always be someone out there who thinks they can do it better. I mean that is how you ended up as the owner of Waves isn't it Joel. I personally think the club is a great thing and I know there has been some issues in the recent future with the people in charge stepping aside or what ever was really going on but we as a club need to get beyond that and remember what we came here for in the first place which was to share the hobby that we enjoy with others that are just as crazy as us. I have to say that at certain times I wonder why I started my business there is a lot of BS that goes on behind the scenes that people don't know about unless they are the ones that have to deal with it. In those times I try to sit back and think about all the great parts that I enjoy about the hobby and forget about the business end of things.

  11. There are a lot of cool shrimp that come in occasionally but then the wholesalers jack the price way out of range on the things. You know "rare" always makes the price about 5 times what it should be.

  12. I have one also. I got it for my daughter for Christmas ok ok you caught me I probably play the thing more than she gets to but that is why kids have bedtimes right It is quite fun although the day after I got it I wasn't so sure. Those sports games can take it out of us poor lazy people. The games are definately more interactive I guess it all depends on what you are into but I think more parents will be buying there kids these things than the other game systems just so they feel better about there kids being inside all the time playing video games. I can't wait for the next evolution where you get gloves and boots and really get into the games. I am sure it will be in the works as soon as the game companies sit down and look at how much more popular the wii is than the Playstation 3 which is way overpriced in my opinion.

  13. Now have we thought about this when it comes to deep sand beds. Ok most people that run deep sand beds rely on them for a good majority of their filteration and one of the benefits is supposed to be not having to change the water which leads to the nutrient overload. While Bare bottom tanks are done by frequent vacuuming of the bottom of the tank to take sediments out thus doing water changes on the tank. So why not use the stability of the DSB and do frequent partial water changes to remove nutrients? The problem is people need to stop and think about what is going on in these systems and what is causing the problems with the systems that they are running. So I am personally under the belief that if you understand the advantages/disadvantages of the systems you are trying to build you can set up your tank virtually anyway you want.

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