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Posts posted by WAVES

  1. If the tank is Glass, it would be a death wish to move it with anything at all still in the tank. It would even be taxing on acrylic if you tried to move it with 400+ of sand (thats dry weight!).


    I wouldnt move either with sand in it.


    I dont think you would have to buy new sand, simply wash part of what you have.

  2. I would remove all the sand and rinse it with saltwater, if you can remove all the sulfer dioxide (or whatever it is) then you wont have as big of an issue, you will have an ammonia spike from all the buried dying critters though.


    I would just keep like 5 gallons of the sand and rinse the rest out really well in freshwater, unti it runs clean. Put that sand back in and reseed it with the live stuff...

  3. I dont think he had them in there a year,, sounds like the story is a year old!?


    they were between his eye and ear,, no way they where there for a year...


    Still major darwin factor going on here though, they should have handed him a crow bar and let him deal with it himself.

  4. Well,, PFO has a new light that is being released at IMAC, its an LED fixture that can be run from 6.5k to 20k. Not only that but you can program the output to change throughout the day. want 20k in the am then to a crisp 10k at the days peak? Want to have clouds move across the tank as you view it? All this is available. LED bulbs are expected to last 5 years so no more replacing halides VHO's and T5s on a regular bases.


    Available from 12 inches to 6 feet.


    The output is being compared to a 250wHQI.


    Unit runs on 24v DC power, so no more big power hogs either.


    Price to be released in the next day or two at IMAC. Ill let you know when I have an idea of what they will run.

  5. I did some of that man made rock,,, I did about 3 batches and every one of them turned out,,,,,,, man made. I could do cool shapes, but the texture is just not the same. I suppose if you used a ton of sand, and not as much shell it would be better, but then you dont have any buffering capacity, would suck even worst for the BB folk.



    Hate to get serious,, but Brad diamonds are not rare,,,, but large clear colorless ones are!


    (Im a Graduate Jeweler from Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts, so Im biased)

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