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Posts posted by UPSCALES

  1. I have talked with Tyree several times about the planning of this event. As far as vendors go he is hoping to lure Fraggfarmer and Atlantis up from Cali and have local shops bring their nicest frags to sell. It should draw people from all of Oregon and Washington plus Idaho as well. If it works I think it will be pretty cool. I went to a farmers market in Ontario last year. Alot of people. Alot of frags.


  2. We got lots more fish in today. These are from the Philippines.



    Punctato Butterflys

    Ornatissimus Butterfly

    Coral Beauty Angels (lots)

    Bicolor Angels

    Occellaris Clowns

    Pink Tail Triggers

    Juv. Imperator Angel (Larger sized Juv.)

    Sweetlips (nice color)

    Clown Trigger (BIG FAT and COLORFUL)

    3 type of Anthias, Dispar, Spotfin Tricolor (males and females awesome color)

    Large Marine Betta

    Lots of Rabbitfish (Foxfaces, Blue and Golds, etc.)

    Sand Sifting Gobies (Valencia, Diamond Watchmans, Yellow Watchmans)

    Mandarin Gobies

    Algae/Lawnmower Blennies

    Lots of Damsels (all kinds Dominos, Striped, Yellow Tail, Talbots)

    Long Tentacle Anemones (colored bases)

    Sebae Anemones (Colored Bases, Healthy)


    Lots of inverts

    Cleaner shrimp

    hermit crabs

    Sally Lightfoots

    Electric Flame Scallops

    Sand Sifting Starfish

    Chocolate Chip Starfish




    Have lots of corals on order for this week.


    Awesome Large Colored Teardrop Maxima Clams (SHOW PIECES) coming later this week. Baby maximas and Squamosas also.


    Come Check us out this week we have lots of other stuff in also, Just too much to list.



  3. Online retailers sell product at a 20% margin which is great if you are selling $500,000 worth of product a month, but when the average fish store does $25-$35,000 per month it just doesn't add up. That would be like $5,000 a month profit, my payroll is more than that. If you buy a filter sock for $4 and sell it for $5 whats the point? You made a buck. Tough to pay the bills on that. At some point you have to make money and trying to compete with online will never work IMO.

    LA stores are nothing to exiting from what I have seen also.


  4. If demand went down I don't believe many shop would be able to lower prices, things are priced at what they are in order to keep the doors open, I beleive that most shop would go out of business if they were forced to drop prices. So ask yourself would you rather have prices the way they are or have no local fish stores. I think the Porland market is spoiled in a way, I don't think most realize how good they have it with all the great shops around. I have people come down from Seattle every week to buy stuff every week. Why? because they don't have shops up there like we have here, also everyone that does come in from out of state says the Porland prices are WAY cheaper than other areas. So I say be glad you have a bunch of great places to shop and quit your bellyachin':D



  5. The purple carpet is about a six inch diameter and is $150, The red is HUGE, at least twelve inch diameter and is $450. My red carpet in my 300 has not moved in two years. They tend to attach to the bottom of the tank through the sand. Mine has eaten a couple fish in two years but has not bothered anything else.


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