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sixline turned gangster


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I would advise against it, even though I am not one you should be turning to for advice, except maybe for Duncan's as I seem to be pretty good with those. I only say that due to ALL of the horror stories I have heard regarding six lines. Yes, occasionally you will hear a good story or 2, but for every good experience you hear of with them I can probably direct you to 10 bad experiences. It is quite unfortunate as they are beautiful fish. It trully sux that Mark had this happen, especially becuase his had been so chill for so long

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I would not really advise against it....he did what I purchased him for. He removed all flatworms from my tank. I have even had two clowns battle to near-death. Sometimes it is just a crap-shoot as to who gets along and who does not. My 'master' plan was to have my larger tank set up already and this would have alleviated the issue...but sometimes the best laid plans have delays :) Time to sell mr sixline or trade him in. I guess that is OK as I have two fish in my 15g nano - which is my bio-load limit in such a small tank.

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Every six line that I have ever had in my systems(which is probably around 20 or so) have done really well. I have had a few jumpers and a few that died straight from the wholesaler but most did really well. I agree with Curtis in that I wouldn't have a reef system with out one. I will probably have a few to use in my system once it is up and running.



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Too bad that most of the fish that eat these pests turn out to be buttheads, I put a sunrise dottyback in my coral system. they stay small, are really pretty, and he has eaten the small out break of flatworms that I had. They only get about 2" long.

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Sorry to hear about that. I got a six line to help clean up the tank while it "heals" and I really like her. I so hope she doesn't decide to start attacking stuff. Glad to hear there are some good ones out there!


Hopefully your tank will be fixed soon and you wont have to worry about that type of problem.

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