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I love it. Dixon was the best player in the world at the start of the season now.... I really dont think it would make a difference putting Leaf in. Hes good but not much better. Off. Cord. needs to change it up since hes not throwing the deep ball. Plain and simple. I just wish OSU could get some top rated prospects out of high school like you guys do. Well looks like Beavs and Ducks are 7-4 goin into next week. Ill see anyone at the game thats goin. Later Ryan

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Yah, laughable game. I left at the end of the 3rd quarter. Could not tackle, couldn't field a punt, can't throw a pass. High school teams play better than the Ducks did saturday. They got beat in every facet of the game. Unreal. I don't know how they went from such a potent attack to struggling to make even 1 yard. Run the ball on 3rd and 1 lose a yard, run on 4th and 2 lose 2 yards?? Where is the oline??? I chalk all this up to coaching. I have stood behind Bellotti since day 1, but now i'm beginning to waiver. With all the talent we have on this team, how can you get WORSE as the season goes on? I mean Bellotti has done great getting us to this point, but year after year of mediocre bowls and teetering on #20 every year is not getting it done. We need someone who can take the program to the next level and challenge the USCs, Michigans, ND, and Texas schools that are consistantly good teams.


I'm afraid that the beavs are gonna put a large whoopin on the Ducks. It all depends on which Ducks team shows up. Stanford could have beaten us on saturday.

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Is it time to start changing bumer stickers again? :) My wife did that to her Duck crazed cousin last year. Swapped out his giant rear window sticker with her Beaver's alamater decal while he sat in the pew at church....she just waited for that phone call when he finally noticed. Funny thing is, the joke was on my wife being down $40 on stickers and the fact he was about ready to replace the sticker anyway. DOH!

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We here in Albany wish to welcome the visitors to this part of the valley by being cordial.

Duck fans may well be a little discouraged following the game this Friday.

We will of course be closed in honour of the traditional battle.

But we will re-open at 5.

If the Ducks loose, I do not wish their fans to feel so bad.

So we will have a 'Mini-Meal' Free of Charge; 'Duck Soup' complete with feathers.

And in the rare case the yellow birds prevail, we will have 'Beaver Stew' with brown fur.

Not quite sure what we will get that brown fur from.

Either way it is the 'Civil War'...And always a great game.


I might state that if the birdies win, 309 pound Curtis Coker #98 might not be in too good of a mood.

You can try and rub it in the next time you two are side by side.


Ducks eat slugs. Beavers eat trees, and ducks that get in them to hide.



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I was here. :) Like always. I even went to that BSU game. Later Ryan


Yah i know you were. But you bandwagon jumpers!! (nutty) (nutty) (nutty) (nutty) (nono)


(laugh) (laugh) (laugh) (laugh)


I'm just messin with you Beavs. This is civil war afterall!!


The ducks are already guaranteed a bowl game. How good it is remains to be seen.

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