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New store?


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HI Everyone,

I have been considering opening a new store here in Central Oregon, probablly Redmond.

I have plenty of experience with fish, soft coral and dry goods. I was in Salem this weekend and chatted with a few people (stores & customers) and there seems to be a large demand for the stoney corals. So my question is; what is your thoughts on carring them, if I don't have the in-depth knowlage. We are looking to set up something a bit like Coral Reefs. The closest shops aroound here are Salem or Eugene. Thanks for the Input.


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Glad ya went by there!!! Told ya! Start reading, ask us a bucket load of questions. It isn't hard,just takes patience. And your going to need to carry them!!!! As you know, there isn't ANY over there. As discussed, It what your going after. To set yourselves apart

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I am not overly familiar with your area but the first thing you have to ask yourself is how many people in your area have the, one, desire to keep stony corals, two, knowledge to keep them. From what I have heard about the Bend/Redmond area there are a lot of retirees and the like. Most of these people I would think are not going to want to be that involved with there aquarium. I think you would do better with soft corals, lps corals and fish and of course maintainence. Judging by what I have heard again I would say that you have a base of people that would enjoy relaxing in front of a nice aquarium but wouldn't neccessarily be into knowing anything about it.


In this world of competition globally you have to find your niche and exploit it.

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I lived in central oregon for most of my life. There are many, many saltwater tanks there, and there is not a store worth visiting now. 10 years or so ago there was a good one in Bend, somewhere behind Wendy's. My mom had a HUGE tank, and then sold in to my MIL.


I think if you truely put the time and effort into some serious research and planning you will be ahead of the game.

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I agree with shawn stick with your bread and butter stuff to start and get a nice display going with sps so people can see what they are and how a system to maintain them needs to be then you will get folks interested then you can slowly start stocking more sps as demand increases and if you have time definatly do maintenance the majority of my frags go to clients that have seen my displays and want that in there homes theres definatly a market for sps but you may have to start it and any help u need let me know and i can also get you incontact with my bud that builds just about everything for me setup wise.

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A couple of things that I failed to mention in my first post were some things that I heard from several people at a trade show this weekend. The first and most popular thing was that they aren't making much money and it gets harder and harder to compete with the large chain stores, the second thing that I heard this weekend was people having problems selling corals particularly SPS.


There is one answer to the first complaint. Don't try and compete on the same products as chain stores as they will usually win. Again the important thing is to find your products. Many stores don't make money for the first year or two so be prepared to do a ton of work and work lots of hours to not make any money.


I am really not trying to discourage you as I think Bend would be an awesome opportunity for a store but you have to be realistic.

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I livei n redmond and i think a store in either bend or here woulddo really well. There is absolutely no place to buy quality saltwater livestock or supplies in central oregon. only options are a small mom & pop store that probably has no business carrying saltwater judging by the fact that thier filtration consists of undergravel filters and canister filters, and then there is the good ol' petco and we all know about those. I think there are alot of people here with reef tanks and you would get all thier business if you can just get the word out thru some decent advertising. You would definately get all my $$!!!! (clap)

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forgot to add that I work for terminix so i go into literally hundreds of homes monthly so the amount of marine tanks as well as reptiles i see are astounding to me. Both of these seem to be neglected hobbies in the area. And if you do decide to open a store the winter is my slow season so i will have lots of spare time to help u get set up and i work for free!! lol

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I want to thank everybody for the comments, i would also like to thank CCR for all the info given.

I guess now it just a matter of all the un-fun stuff. I will keep you updated, and if i get going I might be contacting all those who offered to help, it's really appreceated. It's amazing to see how many have contacted me willing to help. In the mean time I will be lurkin and learning.


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May your research begin:



All I can say is in the summer it pays to have ponds and it also pays to have reptiles to help, my LFS breeds bearded dragons and makes as much or more on those as all the corals combined. But he sells to most the pacific distributors and turns hundreds of them.


It always helps to diversify, if you play the stocks you know what I mean. However you have to have the capitol and the knowledge to do that. Just as in stocks. Good luck its always nice to see someone pursue a passion.

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I would be planning on carrting exotic Reptiles and Amphibians. Koi would also be a must, if no more than my own pleasure, but sales would be nice too :D I usally go to a Koi auction in Long Beach, Ca once a year sometimes just to check out the show fish and listen to the siminars.

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I would be planning on carrting exotic Reptiles and Amphibians. Koi would also be a must' date=' if no more than my own pleasure, but sales would be nice too :D I usally go to a Koi auction in Long Beach, Ca once a year sometimes just to check out the show fish and listen to the siminars.[/quote']


When your ready for a bucket of babies, koi, just let ne know, and bring a net!!!!, My dogs got to it(laugh)

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LOL....I almost forgot ponds.....And with the wealthy clientele (sp?) that is moving into bend especially the awbrey butte area, most of them have ponds. And most of the people in bend either have a pond, want a pond, have a reef tank, or would love to but dont want to care for em. After all, it would cut into thier golf time!! so a maintenance end of the business could be VERY lucrative in the long run as well!!

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A little advice on maintaining clients tanks, one, make sure you can deal well with all personalitys because you will run into A-hole's,two, you cant please everyone there are some folks that expect to much and think once there paying u they own u, cut your losses,three, know your system equipment never settle for low grade stuff because client is cheap ive set a standard for what epuipment i use if its to much they can call the next guy and waste there money i always here back later lol and the cheaper the equipment the harder to maintain the system,four, you gotta know what your doing if not your going to get a bad name fast and thats not good business stick with what you know, if you have any other questions on this side of the business let me know ive ben doing this almost 8 years in the hobby over 20 so can tell ya the do's and dont's if you decide to tackle maintenance.

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I would be planning on carrting exotic Reptiles and Amphibians. Koi would also be a must' date=' if no more than my own pleasure, but sales would be nice too :D I usally go to a Koi auction in Long Beach, Ca once a year sometimes just to check out the show fish and listen to the siminars.[/quote']

I recommend starting with bearded dragons. Everyone wants one, they sell like hot cakes, the profit margin is HUGE and you get to sell a $60 UV light, cage and all the fixins. And the most important part they breed like rabbits.


And you sell crickets for food and they eat tons.

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The other thing you have to look at is with the amount of people moving here from California and other metropolitan areas a lot of them are bringing their tanks over here with them. I know just in my neighborhood there are 3 of us that have saltwater tanks. I buy all my stuff when I go back to Portland but would love to have a store here. I debated setting something up out of my garage but time was an issue for me. The one recent benefit we have here are the direct flights out of LA now. That will make getting your livestock a lot easier not to mention that amount of money and stress it will save on your animals. I hope you can get this going.

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