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Gold Headed Sleeper Goby


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I recently purchased a sleeper goby 2 weeks ago, when I got him he was a bit larger he has lost size since then, I'm not sure if this is a bad sign, I feed the fish once every other Day I'm not sure if he is getting any he doesn't seem to swim after it like the other fish do. I'm wondering If he shop & distributors were feeding him much more than me and he is just losing weight now?



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I had a goby I had to feed. I would feed the others till they were done, not that they were ever done, then I would spot feed him like I did for the corals with a baster. I tried to slowly move further and further from him with the food to train him but he didn't care. I just had to make sure that the food came to him.

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I tried to spot feed the Goby with a blaster and mysis shrimp today he dosent appear to be interested, So any suggestions as to what he might like? Also is it Copods he is trying to get out of sifting sand? If so is there anyway to get some to stock my tank with?

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well i decided I'm going to start feeding the fish once per day rather than once every other day and purchase live copepods to put in the tank once per month till i see the little guy start fattening up, I think this will also help with the sand sifting star as well.

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Your golden headed sleeper goby will do the majority of its feeding by sifting through the sandbed. Do you have an established sandbed? If it is not well established, it soon runs out of whatever food it may supply.

They are continuous feeders, and require a great deal of food. From my experience, they eat non-stop, and their should be supplemented high protein foods such as krill and PE mysis. He will probably need more food than a once a day feeding.

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