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Screening of Common Ground coming up


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I thought I would share an e-mail that I received recently. I saw the screening of Common Ground I two years ago. The presentation was very good.



Common Ground III:

Oregon’s Network of Marine Reserves and Marine Protected Areas


Free Public Screenings of Common Ground III


* Monday, March 30th 7pm, Coos Bay Public Library

* Tuesday, April 7th, 7pm, Gold Beach, Curry County Fairgrounds



Don’t miss this opportunity to watch Common Ground III and learn the latest on protecting Oregon’s coastal waters through a network of marine reserves and protected areas.


Common Ground III interviews leading Oregon scientists who describe the science behind marine protected areas and reserves and explain why Oregon needs them now.


The video also includes comments from coastal leaders and business owners who were actively involved in developing marine reserve proposals last year. The documentary reveals why a network of marine protected areas and marine reserves gives us the best chance to ensure we can continue to benefit from our ocean’s bounty, not just today but in the future.


Immediately following the screening, a panel of coastal residents, scientists, fishermen and conservationists will be available to answer questions from the audience.


More screenings are in the works – check http://www.oceansonline.org for updates.


DVDs are available of all Common Ground programs if you would like copies, let me know.





Karen Anspacher-Meyer

Executive Director, Green Fire Productions



office: 541-963-2495

cell: 503-709-5467




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The way the MP are set up now I wont support them. If they show hard science that they are needed on the Oregon coast then they will have my full support.


I hope you know the can of worm this is. If everyone had this set up we would not have anything to put in our tanks.

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The way the MP are set up now I wont support them. If they show hard science that they are needed on the Oregon coast then they will have my full support.


I hope you know the can of worm this is. If everyone had this set up we would not have anything to put in our tanks.


I understand your point. That is why these open forums are so important. They are open to the fishermen, hobbyists, energy businesses ( like wave energy ), politicians, etc. They usually have a question and answer period after the presentations. These open panels are there to, hopefully, get everyone on, "Common Ground". They could have just tried to pass this legislation without any input from anyone.


For me personally, the animals and ecosystems have to come first. I'm not saying that we need to protect everything, but we need sustainability.



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I understand your point. That is why these open forums are so important. They are open to the fishermen, hobbyists, energy businesses ( like wave energy ), politicians, etc. They usually have a question and answer period after the presentations. These open panels are there to, hopefully, get everyone on, "Common Ground". They could have just tried to pass this legislation without any input from anyone.


For me personally, the animals and ecosystems have to come first. I'm not saying that we need to protect everything, but we need sustainability.




Agreed, I just want facts to the problem before we fix it. Simple as that. Nothing more nothing less. Do some reaseach on the groups that support the MR's here in Oregon. Ask hard questions. Never sign on for something you dont fully understand. Listen to both sides before you take sides




I have spoken with many Californians about there MR's and it seems like those who care the most are the ones shut out.The people who use the Oregon oceans the most will tell you that if there is a problem they want to help so please dont blindly shut them out of something they love. Talk with people who are not hired or paid by any special intrests groups. Talk to ODFW talk to anyone then make your mind up.


There is a solution that everyone can support we just need to find it.



So I think we are on the same page. And I in no way meant to make waves but to only voice my opinion.

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So we shouldn't protect anything because it might limit our take?


They seem like a really good idea to me. Fisheries are collapsing all around the world. I'd rather have coral in the wild than in my tank.



No Pat I dont think thats what I said. Is it??? Maybe you should reread my post. I will leave it at that.

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Pardon me for putting words in your mouth. I apologize. But what did you mean by "If everyone had this set up we would not have anything to put in our tanks." Do you mean if marine protected areas were enforced in areas of the world where coral/fish were harvested, than there would be a reduction in supply to our hobby? It seemed to me that you were implying that this is a reason to not support them. But, again, I apologize for restating your words.


I guess I should take a step back and ask what are the reasons against the protected zones? The only reason I have ever heard against them are essentially "we can't harvest enough". My (somewhat uneducated) opinion is that the last thing we need to do right now is come up with ways to increase our harvest.

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