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Duncan for donation


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I have a duncan that I got as an extra in a trade some time back. Was only a couple heads then, but as Duncans do... it grew quickly; it's got to be around 15-20 now. It's just not doing it for me - doesn't work in my tank.


I was trying to figure out what to do with it - sell it, trade it - and thought I'd see if Dennis and the teacher set wanted it first.


It could easily be fragged into 4 pieces so several people could have a piece. Anyway, if you guys want it, it's yours - just let me know.



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Here's a pic - as always, pardon the poor picture taking. It's beige/pink. The oral disc is purple with green lines.




I can try to frag it up. I'm hoping that I can ask Dennis to frag it - if he has experience fragging torches and FS, he might do a better job of it. I have a dremmel and can give it a shot if need be. But I'm used to fragging SPS - so it's going to be a learning curve for me.


It's not a very light demanding coral. If you mount it high in the tank, it should be okay under PC lighting.

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I would love to help cut it up. It may need to wait until the end of next week. This week has parent teacher conferences, then I'll be out out of town for a couple of days. If you are in a hurry, I will be home tomorrow night, but without a car to come meet you. I can hold the piece until it gets out to all the other teachers. :)


Cutting up LPS is really easy, just find a place in the skeleton that has no flesh, and use the diamond wheel. Zip right on through like a hot knife through butter. :)


Although looking at the picture, you may need to wait a little while to not cut any flesh. I try to not cut flesh when possible. Although I just bought a head of duncan from Rose City that had places where a head was cut off were there was still flesh. It is doing fine, but algae is growing on the bare skeleton. Let me know.



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Great, thanks Dennis. I'm in no hurry - it's not in the way or anything. We can do it when you have time - I'll drop it by some time and help frag it.


That's what I was worried about - it's not like a torch where the skeleton is clear. The flesh of the coral covers the whole skeleton - so you have to cut the flesh with the skeleton.


I'm glad there's interest and people are happy to get a piece of this coral. Makes me happy that I'm giving something away to people that are happy to get it.


And the nice thing is that it grows really fast, so starting with just 3 or 4 heads, you'll have a full colony soon.

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Guest Equageah73

Duncan for donation


Is anyone interested in putting together a sub control journal. This would be for subs that FLY, not for teachers to leave for a sub. I am subbing this fall, and would love to have a control journal for it. Any teachers or subs out there that want to help me put one together? Ideas?


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