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SPS and T5 lights


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I do too. Some have browned out, and I seem to not be able to keep acropora, but that could be because I had high phosphates at the time that I was trying to keep them. I have not tried so much since. Montipora seem to do fine, and LPS do great.



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I have 6-54w TEK T5 fixture on my 75. My SPS grow great, but they typically brown out a little especially when coming from under MH. Takes awhile to get the color back but it eventually does. The growth seems faster than when i had a 250w MH.

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under my t5s










i think i had better growth under the t5 and some of my sps still havent got as colorfull under halides. its all playing with bulbs. different k is gonna be different color. honestly i think a few of the best sps only tanks ive ever seen are t5 only. head over to reef central and look at some of the tank of the months that are sps t5 only

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I am amazed. I was thinking of putting Tek 8 fixture in and have been told no sps would live. Yet here once again different folks swear by what they have. Now I have to start the talk all over again with hubby. I think he just wants me to make up my mind.


Would love to see ands hear more.

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  • 2 months later...

I have been putting a lot of thought into switching to t5's from my MH/VHO setup. It seems the best colors and growth come from the higher end bulbs such as ATI and Aquascience. From what I can tell, you will not be able to get the best colors and growth from the standard 10k white/Actinic mix that is most common with t5 setups. Most that are gettting good success are also overdriving the t5 bulbs.


If I switch, it will most likely be to the ATI 8x39w power modual with a mix of ATI AquaBlue & Blue Plus bulbs and maybe a figi purple for a little extra pop.

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I made the upgrade "Tek 8bulb " and using a combination of Giesman white,true blue , blue plus.I would like a more blue look so will swith it up next time. I have a chalice & a few sps and will be trying too take pictures monthly to see what change happens. No other way to find out than try it.


Let me know how it works out for you



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