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Is this hair algae?


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I think it was pretty soft to the touch, but don't remember exactly what the texture was like. I'll check tonight. My kole tang doesn't touch it. I hope it starts going away 'cause it's ugly. It started showing up a couple weeks ago.


I have another patch on top of the rock next to it. The weird part is that patch is directly in front of the powerhead. Lots of flow and it still grows. I thought hair algae grew in low flow areas. (scratch) That's what made me thing it may not actually be hair algae.


More info on tank:

75g set up for 2 years

20g sump/fuge w/octopus nw-150 skimmer

54wx4 T5 HO w/icecap reflectors

20% biweekly water changes


Recent changes:

Added kole tang and banana moray eel two months ago

Added 50 lbs of fiji base rock (from marcorocks.com about a month ago)


I cured the fiji base rock in a rubbermaid tub until ammonia/nitrites were 0 and nitrates were 20. That took about 3 weeks. I then added the rock to the display.


Tested water last night:

Salinity 1.026

Ammonia 0 (API)

Nitrites 0 (API)

Nitrates 0 (API)

Phosphates ~0 (API, so hard to read that color chart with 100% accuracy)

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Thanks. I'll check out that thread.


I did find something that would eat it though......a Hawaiian Whitespotted Toby. I got one of them last weekend and it started eating it like crazy! Unfortunately, 5 minutes later it thought my maroon clown's tail was desert. (cussing)


He spent the night in the fuge and went back to the store the next day. Kinda sucked, I really like him. So, if you can put one of them in your tank, I'm sure he'll eat it.

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Thanks. I'll check out that thread.


I did find something that would eat it though......a Hawaiian Whitespotted Toby. I got one of them last weekend and it started eating it like crazy! Unfortunately, 5 minutes later it thought my maroon clown's tail was desert. (cussing)


He spent the night in the fuge and went back to the store the next day. Kinda sucked, I really like him. So, if you can put one of them in your tank, I'm sure he'll eat it.


i have a 34g tank though..so there's not really any fish that would eat it that would be happy in my sized tank

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They only get 3", but I don't know if it would get along with your other occupants.


Even though I have a 75g, I have a banana moray eel, so that limits what fish I can have as well.


I did just realize the only place that this stuff is growing is where sunlight hits the tank. Hmmmm. (scratch)

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It looks like hair to me. I got some growth when I added more rock as well. No sun hitting the tank. High & low flow didn't matter. A new yellow tang cleared it out in 4 days. I have heard that removing the rock pulling what you can off, then replace the rock can slow it's spread.... "remove the rock " don't pull it off in the tank.

I'm sure other will chime in

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I'd be willing to add a yellow tang, but since I have a kole tang I don't think that would work out.


My emerald crab in my 29g does a great job with hair/bubble algae. Wish I could add one to this tank, but I'm sure it would just be dinner for my eel.

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The zebrasoma genus of tangs eat filamentous algae (hair algae). The yellow tang is one of them.


I'd think that the kole tang would get along with the yellow tang. We've housed them together many times with no problems. Anything can happen though.


You would know your fish better than I do though when it comes to aggression, and their own individual personalities.



Ricky Soutas Jr.

-Soutas Saltwater & Reef Inc.-

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A yellow tang is an option if I can't find another fish. Are there any other fish compatible with my 75g and my occupants that I could add? I've been wanting to add another fish anyway.


Current occupants:

4" kole tang

15" banana moray eel

2" maroon clown

4" yellow wrasse

(2) 1.5" blue sapphire damsels (had 3 of them on Saturday) (scratch)


Frogspawn, encrusting green gorgonian, xenia, green flower pot, and hammer coral


Maybe a one spot foxface? Always liked the looks of them but question their compatibility with LPS or my tang. My kole tang is alpha of the tank. He even goes up to my eel and does the sideways dance in front of his face. One of these days that eel is gonna..... (laugh)

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Well, if your looking for other types of tangs that would help you with this problem and are different color/shapes, here is a list I posted the other day with adjustments for your specific tank:


Yellow Tang (Strongly recommended)

Sailfin Tang (Strongly recommended)

Desjardini Sailfin Tang (Strongly recommended)

Black Tang (Scopus, could get aggressive)

Purple Tang (It costs way to much, but if you want one they are out there)



Ricky Soutas Jr.

-Soutas Saltwater & Reef Inc.-

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Thanks for the detailed tang info! Actually, I'm open for all types of fish suggestions. I've been through 2 sailfin tangs so far. One died about a week after I bought it. The next one I decided to put in a QT and it died two weeks later in there. Not sure I want to try a third. The yellow tang looks like a good option if I get another tang.


Do you have any experience with the one spot foxface?

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I picked up a yellow tang yesterday. It started going to town on the hair algae within a minute of adding him to my tank. Looks like he's going to serve a good purpose and he looks good in my tank!


There is a little sparring going on between him and my kole, but nothing serious. Maybe the yellow tang will keep the kole occupied so the kole will quit instigating fights with my eel. The kole has some nice bite marks on his tail and dorsal fins that have the exact shape of my banana moray's mouth. He just doesn't learn. (laugh)


Thanks for the help guys!

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