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Refugium mud


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So everyone, what is the verdict. I see this Refugium mineral mud - is it really a good thing? Do you use it? My refugium is only about 9 gallons and rectangle shaped: 20 wide x 7.25 deep x 15 tall

Would i need a whole gallon of this, or is that too much?



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I don't know. What I do know is there is a store called The Mystic Reef that uses this stuff and swears by it. Their tanks are beautiful and corals grow quite fast there. Now that is also due to the amount of light and so on. If you are on RC you can find them there. They have a huge thread regarding this issue. I was looking for it to post here for you but can't seem to find it. It was about 2 months ago that I saw it. I brought it up in here but didn't get much in the way of a responce. I know it is far fetched but I hope this helps.

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I've heard the mud is good to, but have had no experience with it. We use fine grain sand, and have had great success with its denitrification benefits.


In other words I'm sure either would be good.



Ricky Soutas Jr.

-Soutas Saltwater & Reef Inc.-

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mineral mud


I used this in my fuge I had setup on my old tank and was actually able to notice some results within a week or so. It seemed like my corals were opening up a little more and maybe grew a little faster. I plan to use again once I get my tank squared away. For a smaller fuge you could prbably get away with just using the booster even? I had a 10 gal fuge before and a 4" sandbed and used just the Miricle Mud booster. You could probably do this too? I would check around though.

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Miracle Mud is the bomb. It's pretty cool. Ya, I know Leng Sy he helped me out when I was a newb and we have a mutal friend, he's a swell guy.


I used it for many years, then I moved up here and there were no local suppliers for any Ecosystem products so I tried some other brands. All I got was hair algae.


If your going to do it, I'd spend the cash and go with Miracle mud, if not, I just use sand and rubble rock now, it's cool. Took a bit longer to get the pod growth, and I don't test for trace elements so how would I know. I did like the product.

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Miracle Mud is the bomb. It's pretty cool. Ya, I know Leng Sy he helped me out when I was a newb and we have a mutal friend, he's a swell guy.


I used it for many years, then I moved up here and there were no local suppliers for any Ecosystem products so I tried some other brands. All I got was hair algae.


If your going to do it, I'd spend the cash and go with Miracle mud, if not, I just use sand and rubble rock now, it's cool. Took a bit longer to get the pod growth, and I don't test for trace elements so how would I know. I did like the product.


I would have to agree, though not by my own experience but that of friends of mine. I too, have a product that I see in a similar way. When I moved here I was unable to find tropic marin, so I tried to go back to what I used to do and got nothing but problems, made some adjustments, found TM, no more problems.

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According to Leng, nothing is like his. He has a special place he harvests from in the ocean and then a large grow out facility where he cultures the stuff. His facility is pretty high tech to my lame eyes. Some people say it's a farce, I don't think they would put all the money into that setup if it was just a farce.


I have no experience with the carib sea product, for all I know they are similar.


I have heard Leng talk about his Miracle Mud product with great passion. He sold me on it, when he wasn't trying to. He's a smart dude, kinda crazy insane smart, but I believe him FWTW.

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I've heard enough negative reports to put this stuff into my "snake oil" category (along with the Eco-Aqualizer, Purple-Up, plenums and the Sham-WOW! (laugh)), but I'm naturally suspicious and probably miss out on a lot of good things as a result ;)

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I've heard enough negative reports to put this stuff into my "snake oil" category (along with the Eco-Aqualizer' date=' Purple-Up, plenums and the Sham-WOW! (laugh)), but I'm naturally suspicious and probably miss out on a lot of good things as a result ;)[/quote']



Hey now....I love my sham-wow!

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I have sham-wow thought it would be great for all the water around the tank. Thought it would be good dog towel to. I got water lines and hair mated into them.


Mark may have great tanks with sand is it "really" that great of stuff.


I'm with Andy on this one

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  • 1 month later...

I started doing water changes using Sham-Wow, you know, to get rid of the water that needed to be taken out of the tank. The Sham-Wow worked wonderfully. Not only could I remove tank water, but if I got any on the floor, I used it to suck it up. Left my floor silky smooth. My wife loves me even more...how much more?...Sham-Wow MORE!!

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